Fontaine, Part 2

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A/N: please don't take this chapter seriously. I just wrote it for fun :P


Part 2

"Oh no... M-monsieur Neuvillette?" Lumine exclaimed.

The Traveler couldn't believe her very eyes. She always had this nagging feeling ever since her and Navia's encounter with the mysterious Chief Justice. The man must be able to manipulate the weather in some way, but for that to be plausible, then he must be related to the Hydro Dragon of Fontaine.

Areta whipped her head to the Traveler and practically skimmed the area with her eyes. "The Chief Justice? Where?"

Paimon uncovered her eyes and floated about, looking for signs of Monsieur Neuvillette. "Where is he, Traveler?"

Lumine shook her head at the absurdity of the question. "What do you mean where? He's right here." She gestured to Plue with both hands.

Areta blinked.

Paimon scratched her head.

"Errr... that's a Leisurely Otter..." Areta remarked.

Plue stirred awake. When it noticed everyone's attention it hopped in circles on the bed, tail twirling in fascination of its surroundings.

Lumine ignored Areta's words. "Monsieur Neuvillette, is that really you?" she kneeled next to the bed, bringing herself to Plue's eye level. This otter with uncanny resemblance to the Chief Justice had the same ability to influence the weather, she believed, which led her to think that he was, as crazy as it sounded, the Chief Justice who was probably transformed by a curse.

The otter tilted its head innocently.

"Traveler, Paimon really thinks that Plue is just Plue."

The Traveler grabbed the otter's unbandaged hand. Eyes piercing and voice dripping with certainty, Lumine could not put more emphasis on the gravity of the situation."I don't know what in the world happened to you, Monsieur Neuvillette, but I'll do everything I can to get you back to normal!"

"Fontaine is becoming crazier everyday," Areta muttered under her breath.

"Traveler, Paimon!" a familiar voice called.

A blonde-haired woman approached from behind. The tails of her dress flapped as she shuffled to the small group.

"Navia!" Paimon cried. "Paimon is so relieved you appeared!" She pointed an accusatory finger at Lumine. "The Traveler has finally gone bonkers! She thinks Plue is-"

Lumine shoved her hand over Paimon's mouth, preventing her from blabbering more. "You can't just say that out loud. People are gonna hear," she hissed.

"You, guys, sure are having fun." The president of the Spina di Rosula smiled at the group. "I came here for official business. Spina di Rosula business. Then I spotted you two," she clarified. Her eyes fell on Plue who was staring at her from the bed. "Oh, what a cute otter!" She rushed to the creature to pet his head.

Lumine bit her lips. "Ummm... please be careful with him."

"That's Plue," Paimon interjected.

"No, how many times do I have to tell you that's Monsieur Neuvillette?" Lumine whisper-yelled.

Navia froze, her hand hovering over otter-Neuvillette's head. "I-I don't understand." She slowly withdrew her hand.

"Ugh. I don't know how to explain it but I have enough reason to suspect that this otter is the Chief Justice." The Traveler told them about the resemblance of the two and how both seemed to have the ability to influence the weather.

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