Cerberus, Part 5

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Part 5

Damn right, they would talk about it in the morning. This was her first thought as she got up from bed to prepare for the day. And she wasn't simply going to talk, she was going to demand for an explanation for what happened last night. What he did was downright rude, and it didn't make sense.

Lumine thundered down the hall with Paimon in tow. The flying creature had asked what was up with the Duke, to which she answered, "oh, he just felt like being rude, is all," words coated with sarcasm. "Let me teach you a bit about the world, Paimon. This is classic power-tripping! He thinks he can get away with barging into anyone's room without the person's consent because he knows he doesn't have to answer to anyone. Well, not this time! Not with me. He is not getting away." She gritted her teeth.

Paimon shut up thereafter. She knew better than to argue when Lumine was all worked-up.

"Stay right here. You might not want to see this," she instructed her companion before knocking and entering the office.

Heavy footsteps fell on the spiral stair case as she ascended the office where she found the Duke holding a stack of papers on one hand and a cup of tea on the other.

"Ah, you came... I've been waiting for you," he said enthusiastically. He laid down the papers and cup. "Want to have some tea?" He didn't wait for an answer and produced a fresh cup from one of the cabinets in the corner. Steaming tea filled it and the aroma wafted through the office. "C'mere."

Lumine frowned, knotting her arms over her chest. She intended to stay as far away from him as possible. "Care to explain what happened last night?"

His jaw tightened. Muscles roped his arms as he put down the teapot with a serious face. "The tea won't be as good if you let it cool."

"I don't care about your tea."

He propped his ass at the edge of the desk, likewise folding his arms. She felt the dominance radiating from his posture. This man knew in the underground prison he was the king. And the king need not explain himself to anyone.

"That's rude," he commented, matter-of-fact.

"Rude? You talk about being rude?" Lumine scoffed. A humorless laugh rose from her throat.

"Look, I already apologized for what happened. What else do you want from me?"

"An explanation would be a good start."

"You might want to rephrase that as 'enlightenment'," he spoke with disdain. "The Duke does not need to answer to anyone."

"Oh, right. Apologies, Your Grace, I forgot. Please enlighten this poor servant as to why you came in the middle of the night, asking who I'm with and going so far as to enter my room without my permission. Let me set this straight, we are not friends. You do not just come to me to do whatever you want, thinking you can get away with it."

He winced. Her words stung him. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down before his expression cleared. A cold aura replaced it. "It was a mistake. I... heard rumors that someone might be taking advantage of you. I needed to make sure all the citizens of the Fortress are safe and protected. That's all."

Lumine has never heard of such a rumor. It confused her. "And you decided to come," she paused, eyeing him up and down and recalling his get up last night, "in all your state, demanding for an answer. Haven't you realized maybe you were the danger all along?"

His face stiffened. It was getting harder to breathe. He loosened his tie with damp fingers. "What are you implying?"

"I don't know... You tell me. The Duke isn't exactly a spotless person. What with the way you handled the House of the Hearth, gambling with the life of a child to get what you want. I wouldn't put past you to take advantage of a woman."

His nose flared and ears flushed red. Lumine almost saw his hackles going up. Anger washed over his features. He shifted to a threatening stance, a step towards her direction. "So... it finally came out," he growled. "You hate me for simply doing my job."

"You almost killed a child! You knew there was something in the water and you let Freminette dive knowing the risk!"

"Contrary to what people say, I do not know everything that's happening in the Fortress. I didn't know he was going to dive, looking for the Harbinger."

"Suppose you didn't know what the House of Hearth was planning. Suppose I give you the benefit of the doubt. That still doesn't change the fact that you took advantage of the situation. You held him hostage down there."

"And I sent Clorinde to save him!" They were both yelling at this point. "I was only doing my job. I dealt with the cards I have and kept everyone safe!"

"That, I have no doubt. Oh yes, you did your job... By drugging a woman."

The tea set crashed on the metallic wall. He had destroyed the dishes with one swipe of an arm over the desk.

It had taken her aback. Did she go too far? She might end up incarcerated in the Fortress for the rest of her life but her pride kept her going. There was no backing down now.

"Traveler?" Paimon called from outside the office. "Is everything alright?"

"It's fine!" Lumine yelled shakily. "Don't come in."

"No, we're not," he growled. Wriothesley grabbed her arm. He gravitated to her, warm breath dampening her forehead. "I am not the monster you think I am, Lumine. I might've done things I am not proud of but I will never hurt women or children."

"Let go of me." She tried her best to ignore the tingling his hand left on her arm.

In response, he moved closer. Her back met the cold surface of the wall as he pressed his body on her. A painful second felt like forever. Hungry eyes roamed her face until they settled on her lips.

"L-let go of me," she repeated with lesser conviction. "Or..."

"Or what?" he challenged in a husky voice.

"Or... I'll scream at the top of my lungs!"

He snarled, but it was effective. His hand finally loosened and the man sprang away from her, settling to the farthest corner of the room. "Get out," he barked without looking, as if the sight of her was too disgusting for him.

The Traveler blinked. "Right! You don't need to tell me twice." She fled the room and grabbed Paimon on the way, half-praying she would never see the Duke ever again.

---end of Part 5---

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