"Fine holy shit!! Stop screaming around the whole fucking house!!"Yongsoo came down the stairs.

So (somehow) they ended up all going after much convincing to the point Taeyeob wasn't even hungry anymore but he didn't wanna waste their time so he went anyway.

"I am NOT fit to drive in these rainy conditions as an old grandpa,"Kyubin sighed as he stepped in the car nearly soaked because he was waiting for Taeyeob and was being dumb and decided to wait in the rain.

"So you admit you're a grandpa?" Wookjin hopped into the car.

"No. I just dont wanna driveee," Kyubin complained.

"Alright gang where we eating?" Taeyeob asked as if he wasn't the one who literally suggested to go out and eat.

"You're literally the one who brought us all out to go eat and you dont even know where to eat," Sungho rolled his eyes.

"Lemme search up some places"

"You didn't even decide before we left the house?!" Junhyung said, annoyed.

"Well you guys didn't want to go until i convinced you!!"

"Well we were bound to go anyway because you're so fucking annoying!!" Jisung yelled.

"Stop yelling im driving," Kyubin said in the calmest voice possible.

"Shut the fuck up Jisung. Anyways, we should go eat at Dopamine Rush. It's like a little cafe," Taeyeob suggested.

Yongsoo said,"Lowkey sounds like a good place but we always go to cafes. But at this point im not gonna say anything cause I just woke up and I don't wanna fight.

"No one cares about your rant Yongsoo," Junhyung replied.

"Junhyung I know your grouchy as hell after you just wake up but calm the fuck down," Sungho said.

"Alright so I have zero clue why I started driving before you even suggested the place but I'm driving in the opposite way so you're lucky im getting you guys out of the rain longer," Kyubin made a u-turn.

"Yeah but it's cold,"Wookjin complained.

Taeyeob turned on the heater,"That better? What do you guys wanna listen to?"

"Are you ok? Why are you asking us what we want to listen to?" Yongsoo questioned.

"Shut up. I'll just put on Love Me Back then"

"Fuck is love me back??" Jisung questioned because he's a maniac who doesn't like girl groups as much as boy groups.

"You don't know what Love Me Back by fromis_9 is?!?" Taeyeob gasped dramatically.

"Chill Taeyeob not everyone needs to know what everything is," Kyubin parked in the parking lot,"We're here!"

"Soooo did anyone bring an umbrella??" Sungho asked.

"No..." Jisung said slowly.

"Fucking hell bro are you serious? You guys made me drive and didn't even bring an umbrella?" Kyubin cursed.

"Wait maybe I brought one,"Wookjin looked around.

"Thank you!!"Kyubin sighed.


"Guys I have an idea. What we do is run into the building!"Yongsoo suggested.

"Honestly that would probably be the best idea so let's do it,"Junhyung opened the door,"Hurry up!!"

So they all ran out of the car and ran into the cafe. But then Taeyeob realized he forgot his phone so he ran back to get it and made everyone wait outside because you know that's really smart!! Anyways, now they were finally inside.

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