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"Junhyung's house"

"Should we knock?" Jisung asked.

"Obviously!" Yongsoo pushed Jisung out of the way,"I'll do it."

Yongsoo knocked on the door and all they had to do was wait. Strangely, they've never really met Junhyung's parents, even though Junhyung's had been living with them for like 3-4 years.

Someone finally opened the door and guess who it was? Junhyung obviously.

"Hi guys! Come in," Junhyung smiled.

"Why is your house actually clean," Taeyeob looked around the house.

"Because my parents clean it," Junhyung stated,"My room is uh, the opposite."

"Y'all I'm scared now," Jisung said.

They all walked into Junhyung's room. A bunch of clothes were on the floor and photos of him and Sungho are everywhere. Some of them broken and some still perfectly fine. Photos of Junhyung and the others were also there, just not broken.

"Ok so at least you weren't lying when you said it's cleaner than Sungho's room," Wookjin walked over all the clothes.

"Junhyung, do you still love Sungho?"Kyubin asked.

Junhyung stood there, thinking about what to say. That question was just so sudden that he didn't know what to say.

"Do you or do you not?" Yongsoo questioned.


A couple hours had passed. Sungho and his boyfriend were surely and probably done fucking but they wanted to spend time with Junhyung.

"Junhyung did you know that Sungho's boyfriend is a huge fucking bitch," Taeyeob mentioned.

"I knew it!"

"We asked him if he really loved Sungho today and you wanna know what he said?" Kyubin crossed his arms.

"What did he say?"

"He said he was only using Sungho for the money! Taeyeob was about to beat him up, which I fully support," Wookjin said.

"Yeah and I was about to beat up Yongsoo for calling me bro," Jisung remarked.

"Junhyung, why are there cigarettes on the floor?" Yongsoo picked them up.

"Um so about that..."

"Junhyung answer the damn question!" Taeyeob hit him.

"Ow!" Junhyung yelled,"Fine fine I'll tell you. So basically, ever since me and Sungho broke up, I've been hanging out with my old friends that are like huge rebels. They smoke and do drugs and shit"

"Wait so are you saying you do drugs too?" Jisung interrogated.

"No, I don't do drugs. I smoke though," Junhyung answered.

"Junhyung doesn't make it any better," Kyubin sighed.

"You know he still loves you right?" Yongsoo mentioned.


"Sungho you dumb fuck!" Wookjin shouted.


"All you say is oh?" Jisung said.

"Chill Jisung. I think he's processing what he just heard," Yongsoo hugged Wookjin out of nowhere.

"Hug me too!" Jisung complained.

Yongsoo was right. He was processing what he just heard. What was he gonna do? He can't get back together with him because Sungho's still dating that guy. The problem is, did he even want to get back together with Sungho? He knew he did, but would the problems between them still be there. Junhyung had his doubts, but he still was really in love with Sungho.

A/N: Honestly should've cut the story off at where Junhyung pauses but like that's too short of a chapter and would mess up my whole schedule thing. Anyway, it's OnlyOneOf's 4th anniversary so you probably know what the next chapter is gonna be about. Thanks for reading! ❤️❤️❤️

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