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1 day


Yongsue: Guys
One day before my hair turns red 😭

Hot gay: 😭
This is so sad 😭😭😭

Sunghoe: Crying rn
Goodbye Yongsoo purple hair era 😭


Sixty-NINE: Praying that Yongsoo will look good with red hair

Yongsue: I look good with any hair 🙄

Yoojungg: Yeah something definitely happened to him


Junjii: FR THO

Yongsue: Guys chill nothing happened
I'm perfectly fine 🥰

Sunghoe: I'm not sure about that one but ok

Love 😘: Are we doing anything today?

Sixty-NINE: Idk

Yoojungg: I'm gonna make spam egg fried rice

Love 😘: Guys we should have a feast
I'ma make tofu noodle pasta

Yongsue: Have fun
I'm not making anything

Hot gay: I'll make something

Junjii: Ain't nobody want your jam sandwiches with bites taken out of them

Sixty-NINE: 💀

Hot gay: I hate you all

Yoojungg: Anyway, get ready for the world's best spam fried rice

Love 😘: Bet it's gonna taste like shit

Yoojungg: Tf you mean you literally tried it and said it was delicious

Sunghoe: Can you too just make the damn food
I'm hungry

Junjii: You can eat me 😉

Yongsue: Yk what

"Friends household"

"Y'all hear that?" Jisung asked.

"No, I have no clue what you're talking about," Kyubin responded.

"Wait shh," Taeyeob said as he stopped mixing the egg.

"Holy shit Sungho is actually eating Junhyung," Yongsoo eyes widened as he realized what Jisung was talking about.

"Wonder if Sungho is still gonna be hungry," Wookjin rolled his eyes.

"Someone give me the mushrooms," Jisung demanded.

"No, get it yourself you badonker," Taeyeob replied.

"What the fuck is a badonker?" Kyubin yawned as he stretched his arms out.

"I have no clue"

1 hour later

"HEY FUCKERS! LUNCH IS READY!" Jisung announced.

"I swear they're still fucking," Yongsoo grabbed a bowl of spam egg fried rice and placed it on the table.

"We're coming!" Sungho yelled out.

"Wonder which coming it is this time," Wookjin sighed.

"Holy fork this fried rice is so good," Kyubin fake fainted.

"I'm flattered," Taeyeob smirked for absolutely no reason.

"Guys what's for lunch?" Junhyung questioned.

"Did you guys forget what we made?" Jisung glared at the two.

"Yes, maybe," Sungho answered.

"Spam egg fried rice and tofu noodle spaghetti," Wookjin said as he stuffed his mouth full with tofu noodles,"This is actually really good.

Sungho and Junhyung finally sat down with the others eating. They spent their last day with Yongsoo wisely because they knew they were gonna miss him.

"Not sure if this is better than Junhyung's a-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP," Junhyung shouted at Sungho.

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