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Yoojungg: Guys
Someone come with me to go get my stuff
I don't trust myself driving yet
And also Kyubin went to work

Junjii: First of all
You drove with us without a drivers license?!?
Second of all
You got your drivers license in a day?!?!

Yoojungg: True

Love 😘: I'll go with you

Yoojungg: Ugh fine
Come on

Sunghoe: Junhyungggg
Want me to drive you to get your stuff?

Junjii: Yes

Yongsue: Wookjin
Wanna go with me

Sixty-NINE: Guys you do realize it's 1am right

Yoojungg: Yes...

Love 😘: Isn't it Kyubin's off day?

Yoojungg: It's a new day

Love 😘: Right

Sixty-NINE: Yongsoo get in the car

Yongsue: Cumming

Sunghoe: HELP WHAT

Junjii: Yongsoo....

Sixty-NINE: Yeah I'm not coming with you anymore

Love 😘: Cumming*

Hot gay: I'm on a break and I see this



Junjii: How tf does your autocorrect make cumming

Yongsue: I spelled cuming

Hot gay: It would autocorrect into coming tho...

Yoojungg: Your autocorrect weird
Hiiii my love

Sixty-NINE: Get your pda stuff outta here
Yongsue get in the car before I ditch you

Yongsue: Ok ok
I'm going

Hot gay: Bro is too scared to say coming now

Yongsue: Bro stfu go back to work

Hot gay: No 😘

Yoojungg: Hey that's cheating

Love 😘: Hey get out of the car to get your stuff

Yoojungg: Sorryyy

Hot gay: Ok bye I'm going back to work

"Taeyeob's house"

"Are you gonna get out of the car or not?" Jisung asked.

"Come inside with me," Taeyeob pulled on the door handle.


"Because I could get attacked and because I want to know what to bring," Taeyeob explained.

"Ok... Why don't you pack up basically your whole house?" Jisung opened his door and got out of the car.

"Because I don't feel like it and I'm not selling the house," Taeyeob said.

"And why aren't you selling it?" Jisung questioned.

"What's up with these questions? Anyways, because I might need to go here for a hideout just incase people are fucking," Taeyeob responded.

"Good point... Get out," Jisung got out of his car.

They both got out of the car and headed inside the house. Taeyeob packed his stuff and put it in the trunk. His house was basically almost all packed. He packed his clothes and some other stuff that was important to him but left his kitchen stuff and some random stuff. Taeyeob shut everything off to not have to pay the bills when he's gone and left.

"Alright so now we're going to my apartment so I can get my stuff," Jisung mentioned.

"Ok. Are you gonna sell your apartment?"

"Maybe. I'm deciding," Jisung replied.

"Ok well I'm not helping you decide what you pack," Taeyeob stated.

"Fuck you. I helped you and this is how you treat me?" Jisung fake cried.

"Boy shut the fuck up you ugly ahh," Taeyeob responded.

And again, Jisung was frozen in place, about to fake cry.

"Shit, whoops," is all Taeyeob said.

"Junhyung's place"

"Babyyy. Can you help me pack my suitcases?" Junhyung asked.

"Yes, obviously I will. Do I just pack your whole room?" Sungho got a suitcase to get straight to packing.

"You can pack my clothes. I want to keep some stuff here," Junhyung responded as he took some pictures of his family.


"Yongsoo's house"

It was Yongsoo's first time alone with one of his crushes, besides the times they were alone in the same room sleeping. Yongsoo was nervous. Would he do something wrong that would ruin their friendship?

"So uhhh, what can I help you pack? Also I must say, your drawings are amazing!" Wookjin asked.

"You can pack my art. And thank you!" Yongsoo responded.

"Alright. Do you want me to wrap them in something so they're protected?" Wookjin grabbed a painting, admiring it.

"Yeah. Wrap it in a towel or something," Yongsoo said.


And after they were done packing all Yongsoo's stuff, everything felt less awkward. Yongsoo wasn't that nervous anymore, and surprisingly he hadn't done something weird so he was relieved. The ride back was slient. Some small talk would come every now and then but they rarely ever talked.


Yongsue: Guys
I just want to let you know
Tomorrow is my birthday

Junjii: So?

Yoojungg: Are we supposed to say happy birthday

Yongsue: No
Well not yet

Hot gay: Taeyeob I'm home
Also happy birthday


A/N: His birthday is actually in 2 days for me but because of Korean time, it's earlier so watch out for Mill's bday special tomorrow!!!

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