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"The Cafe"

"You guys are either taking an uber or walking home," Taeyeob stated,"Kyubin can stay. Y'all are taking up more than half the space here yknow that right."

"I didn't bring my wallet...and I don't have money on my phone," Junhyung mentioned.

"Ok did anyone else bring theirs?" Jisung asked.

"I'm gonna stay with Taeyeob," Kyubin said.

"I didn't bring money," Wookjin said.

"I didn't either," Yongsoo responded.

"Well I guess we're walking," Sungho got up from his seat.

"Did you guys really expect free food that none of you brought money?" Taeyeob questioned.

"I brought money. But I'm not giving it to them," Kyubin mentioned.

"I fucking hate you. Wait how long is the walk from here?" Wookjin ate the rest of his food.

"Like 10-20 minutes," Yongsoo replied.

"Ok that isn't that bad... Wait we could've walked here. I need the excerise anyway," Sungho sat back down.

"Omg. Ok let's go. Thanks Taeyeob!" Jisung thanked.

"Hurry up, Sungho," Junhyung yelled.


"Did these hoes really just leave like that,"Taeyeob asked.

"Yes, they did," Kyubin replied.

"TAEYEOB YOU'RE CLEANING ALL OF THAT," his coworker screamed.

"Oh my god..."



Junjii: Bro Wookjin almost got run over

Sixty-NINE: Shut the fuck up or I'm kicking you out of my house

Sunghoe: Not letting that happen

Yoojungg: You bitches
My coworked made me clean all this mess
Kyubin helped me tho 🥰

Love 😘: That's a you problem

Yoojungg: Fucking bitch ass mf who's too scared to confess stfu

Hot gay: That's Taeyeob for you

Yongsue: Guys Jisung is flabbergasted
He looks like he's about to cry

Yoojungg: "that's a you problem"

Sunghoe: Help Junhyung is dying rn

Sixty-NINE: I can hear him laughing from here..

Hot gay: I love this gc

Yoojungg: More than me?

Hot gay: I love you wayy more than the gc

Yongsue: Help Jisung is like frozen
Me and Wookjin can't help him

Sunghoe: Taeyeob rlly did damage

Junjii: I can hear Wookjin and Yongsoo tryna get him to snap out of it

Sixty-NINE: I just slapped him...
He finally snapped out of it

Love 😘:Wtf happened

Hot gay: So basically Taeyeob cursed you out and you got flabbergasted

Yoojungg: 😘

Love 😘: Ihy

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