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Yongsue: Guys
Wanna visit Taeyeob?

Yoojungg: Nahh
Y'all are not coming

Love 😘: I'll go
Also Yongsoo when are you dying your hair?

Yongsue: 5 days

Junjii: ...
So scared
What if he dyes it rainbow

Sixty-NINE: Gotta be proud of your gayness!!

Sunghoe: No

Yoojungg: Are you guys actually going?

Yongsue: Yes

Junjii: Where's Kyubin

Love 😘: Dead

Sunghoe: Who's driving this time?

Sixty-NINE: Someone's car
Taeyeob's the one with the biggest car
Kyubin's also but he's kinda dead
And also we went down by one
So anyones

Yoojungg: Since when were you actually smart?

Sixty-NINE: Shut up

Hot gay: Guys I am not fucking dead

Sunghoe: Then where were you?

Hot gay: Up your ass

Junjii: Nah tf did you just say?

Hot gay: I was joking 🙄
Anyway I'm actually with Taeyeob
Did y'all not notice my car was gone?

Love 😘: No
None of us even looked outside

Sunghoe: Yk what
I'll drive
Get in my car

Junjii: If y'all see Nano pls alert me

Yoojungg: Who's Nano?

Sunghoe: His comb

Yongsue: What color

Junjii: Slightly pink

Love 😘: K


"Did y'all find Junhyung's comb?" Taeyeob asked.

"Yeah they did. It's right here," Junhyung pulled his comb out of his bag.

"Gimme a burger," Wookjin said putting the menu down.

"Ok damn," Taeyeob wrote down his order.

"Guys the cake here is really good," Kyubin ate a piece of chocolate cake.

"Wait so is this a cafe, diner, restaurant, or a mixture of all?" Yongsoo questioned, clearly confused.

"I actually don't know," Taeyeob replied,"Anyways, what do y'all want? I need to make your food."

"Get me and Junhyung a burger,"Sungho said.

"Same thing for me,"Jisung stated.

"Get us fries and onion rings,"Yongsoo said.

"Y'all are ordering too much calm down,"Taeyeob wrote down his orders on a notepad.

"Oh yeah give us some of that cake," Wookjin said.

"Ok ok damn. Let me get your stuff,"Taeyeob went to the stove.

"Kyubin better be right about this cake," Jisung said.

"I'm not lying! It's so good!" Kyubin exclaimed.

"Looks good, but will it taste good?" Yongsoo questioned.

"Guys I've tried it before it's amazing," Sungho stated.

"If Sungho says it's good, it's good," Junhyung agreed.

"Ok I'm back. Take the damn food," Taeyeob placed the plates down.

"That was fast," Wookjin took a frie,"these are good."

"I'm just skilled like that," Taeyeob said.

"So gonna miss this food when I get my hair done," Yongsoo literally devoured the burger.

"What color are you dying it?" Wookjin asked.


"Yongsoo red hair era?" Junhyung said.

"Like bright red or like wine?" Sungho asked.

"In between, I hope," Yongsoo answered.

The group devoured the food. Kyubin was right about the cake, it really was delicious. Better than Jisung's cakes, kind of.

"Ok I'm stuffed that was good," Kyubin stated.

"I know right! Taeyeob should bring us food home everyday," Wookjin suggested.

"I am not doing that," Taeyeob glared at Wookjin.

"Should gift me some at the hair salon,"Yongsoo said.

"What if the hair dye gets in the cake?" Junhyung asked.


"What's up with Yongsoo and the hair situation? It isn't gonna take that long, right?" Wookjin said suspicious.

"Dude I have to bleach my hair for that"

"Why not 2 separate days?"Jisung questioned.

"I don't got time for that"

"Ok anyways let's go home. Bye Taeyeob!" Sungho waved.

"I won't miss y'all! Except Kyubin!" Taeyeob yelled.

At this point, Jisung and Wookjin were suspicious. They were suspicious about the so called "hair dyeing" thing. But they brushed it off. Maybe Yongsoo was actually getting red hair. But Yongsoo was actually leaving them.

A/N: Chapters are getting a little short. Sorry! I need some fillers until Yongsoo leaves. I have a whole plot and everything, if that's what you call it

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