21-(special chapter) Yongsoo's Birthday Special!!!!

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Yongsue: Guys
Guess what today is

Hot gay: Thursday

Yongsue: No...
Well yeah
But something else

Yoojungg: March 30th

Love 😘: Y'all are so dumb
It's Yongsoo's birthday

Yoojungg: We were just playing 🙄
Happy birthday

Hot gay: Happy birthday

Yongsue: These are some dry happy birthdays
But thank you

Junjii: Happy birthday Yongsue
You're one year older 👏👏👏

Yongsue: Omg ty!!

Sunghoe: Happy birthday!!
You're 24!!!

Yongsue: 9 months older than Wookjin

Sixty-NINE: Shut up
Happy birthday

Yongsue: Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
I wanna celebrate

Love 😘: No shit
Where do you wanna go?

Yongsue: Jeju
To the beach

Hot gay: Ok...
Taeyeob let's get married

Yoojungg: Wait what

Sunghoe: Who's driving

Sixty-NINE: Not Junhyung
And I don't feel like it

Yongsue: Kyubin

Hot gay: Why me thoooo

Yoojungg: I'll sit next to you

Hot gay: Ok let's go
Who has the biggest car?

Junjii: Taeyeob

Love 😘: Taeyeob

Yoojungg: Why my carrr

Yongsue: Deal with it
Anyways let's go

"Driving to Jeju"

The group were in the car driving to Jeju. The ride would take about 6 hours so they were just chilling, well except for Kyubin because it looked like he was about to fall asleep. Taeyeob was in the passenger seat, Kyubin driving, the middle was Wookjin and Jisung, and in the back was Junhyung, Sungho, and Yongsoo.

"Yongsoo why didn't you tell us earlier so I don't have to drive? I'm already sleep deprived from work,"Kyubin complained.

"Uh because we met like a month ago. The only people I told my birthday before I told all of you was Wookjin and Jisung. And why did you leave me with these lovebirds?" Yongsoo responded whining.

"You could have told us a long time ago when we met so we could all go," Jisung stated.

"I'm seeing Kyubin and Taeyeob holding hands while Taeyeob's feeding Kyubin jelly. Imagine not seeing this up close Sungho," Wookjin bragged.

"I hate you all"

"Anyways, anyone else want jelly?" Taeyeob asked.

"Gimme some," Junhyung reached out for the jellies.

"Wait Taeyeob hold my hand too," Wookjin said.


"Nah this is cheating," Kyubin looked back and rolled his eyes.

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