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"Sunghoes 😍"

Yoojungg: So is no one gonna talk about how hot KB is?

Yoojungg: So is no one gonna talk about how hot KB is? Like

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Junjii: Did you scroll through his whole instagram account

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Junjii: Did you scroll through his whole instagram account

Yoojungg: Yes
And I'm proud
Because I saved every single photo

Hot gay: I'm flattered 😏

Private messages between "Hot gay" and "Sixty-NINE"

Hot gay: Wookjin
I need help 😭

Sixty-NINE: What

Hot gay: So like
I may be in love with Taeyeob...

Sixty-NINE: You met yesterday....
I can help

Hot gay: Omg
Thank you
Do you think he likes me too?

Sixty-NINE: Yes tf
Y'all flirt 24/7
Just ask him out

Hot gay: K thanks 😘

Sixty-NINE: Go use that emoji on your feature bf 🤢

Private messages between "Hot gay" and "Yoojungg"

Hot gay: Taeyeob

Yoojungg: Yes?

Hot gay: I like you

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