94- Wookjin's crazy shenanigans (1)

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Wookjinie's Crazy Shenanigans: Date plans with my bbs

1. Have a threesome
2. Make out
3. Fuck
4. Have the best fucking sex ever
5. Go on amazing dates
6. Front row seats to all Jisung's stages!!
7. Watch Yongsoo debut because omg
8. Idk what else I'll figure it out

Ok I swear to freaking god I'm gonna flip when Yongsoo's mv comes out like omg. One in a MILLion is literally gonna be so good I'm gonnn stream all the songs nonstop. And then seeing Jisung on stage is actually gonna make me faint. He's too freaking god damn hot and for what TT. Anyway, I dunno what else to do for my dates with my bbs. I'll probably ask Junhyung and Sungho or smth. Even better tho is asking Kyubin and Taeyeob. Pretty sure they've been on some wild dates. Maybe we'll like go to like all the bars in Seoul or smth. Maybe go to all the love hotels. Actually that sounds like a good idea I'll write those down later. Anyway that's all I got. I'll prob write more later. Byeee

A/N: Fyi this is all written in Wookjin's perspective. This is basically Wookjin's diary. I'll be like writing stories with like just one the members and they might be a little short but whatever. Anyway, thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️

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