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Yoojungg: Wake up hoes

Love 😘: We're in the same fucking house

Yoojungg: I'm not gonna yell at the top of my lungs to wake everyone up
Plus Kyubin is sleeping

Yongsue: So you wanna wake everyone else up and let Kyubin sleep

Yoojungg: Yes

Sixty-NINE: I'm kicking you out of my house

Yongsue: Wait is Sungho and Junhyung still asleep

Sunghoe: I'm not
Junhyung is

Love 😘: Damn bro

Sixty-NINE: Who wants breakfast

Yoojungg: We know damn well you can't cook

Sunghoe: None of us can
Ok maybe I can make something
Ik how to make banana milk

Yongsue: That's all?

Love 😘: Wait Taeyeob
Do you work today

Yoojungg: Yes but not until like 9

Sixty-NINE: Free breakfast bitches

Yoojungg: Wait what time is it

Love 😘: 8

Yoojungg: Shit I should get ready
Wake your boyfriends up
I'm taking you for breakfast
Be grateful

Sunghoe: Ok

"Sungho and Junhyung's room"

"Baby wake up. We're going to Taeyeob's cafe for breakfast"

"Don't wanna"

"We're most likely getting free food," Sungho persuaded.

"I'm up"

"Get ready"

"Taeyeob and Kyubin's room"

"Wake upp!! We're going to the cafe for breakfast," Taeyeob stated.

"Wait what"

"A fatass named Park Jisung wants to go to my cafe for breakfast," Taeyeob said.

"Ok I'm gonna get ready," Kyubin replied.


Yoojungg: Are y'all ready

Love 😘: Yes

Yongsue: Yes

Sixty-NINE: Yes

Sunghoe: Uh sorta

Yoojungg: Wdym

Sunghoe: Junhyung's doing his hair

Love 😘: Well tell him to hurry the fuck up
I'm hungry

Hot gay: Stfu fatass

Love 😘: I'm offended rn

Yongsue: Bro you stole my chicken wings
Be quiet


Love 😘: ...

Sunghoe: Junhyung's done
Let's go

"Taeyeob's car"

"You're so lucky I brought my car," Taeyeob stated,"I would've stole one of your guy's cars."

"Our neighbors are gonna wonder why we have like 5 cars. They don't even know y'all moved in yet," Sungho mentioned.

In the front was Taeyeob driving, Kyubin in the passenger seat, Jisung, Wookjin, and Yongsoo in the middle, and Sungho and Junhyung in the back.

"Omg I can see Sungho and Junhyung kissing in the mirror," Kyubin covered his eyes.

"Ewwwww,"Wookjin said disgusted.

"Shut the fuck up you hoes," Junhyung replied.

"You guys are jealous because you don't have a boyfriend," Yongsoo mocked.

"Boy you don't even have a boyfriend," Jisung stated.

"You don't too. And I was mocking them dumbass bitch," Yongsoo rolled his eyes.

"Get out we're here," Taeyeob got out of the car with his bag.

"Let's go free food!" Jisung yelled.

"Bitch I'm not giving you free food if you say that," Taeyeob responded.

"Yeah Jisung. Shut the fuck up," Junhyung got out of the backseat.

"Should've left you in the back"

"Y'all shut the fuck up I'm hungry," Wookjin said.

They walk inside the cafe and Taeyeob tells his coworker that he brought his friends. Taeyeob gives them their food that they ordered.

"Give me more food," Sungho stated.

"Bitch you're gonna have to pay for that," Taeyeob replied.

"Come over heree," Kyubin reached his arms out.

"Omg they're kissing ew," Yongsoo looked away literally as fast as he could.

"Wait this kinda cutee..." Sungho said.

"I agree..." Junhyung agreed.

"What the fuck happened to you guys," Jisung asked.

"Gimme more food Taeyeobieee," Wookjin moaned.


"Bro I'm letting you live in my house," Wookjin stated.

"Fine. You owe me,"Taeyeob said.

"I feel bad for your coworker," Jisung shoved a spoonful of eggs into his mouth,"She has to deal with all of us."

"Well good luck getting home because we only took one car," Junhyung stated.


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