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Sixty-NINE: Guys...
I think our april fools prank backfired on us

Hot gay: No shit
You guys like did your prank after us and you got caught

Love 😘: No like it really backfired

Yoojungg: How?

Sixty-NINE: Me and Jisung are dating

Junjii: ...

Yongsue: Y'all are joking right.
We didn't plan a prank

Love 😘: We're 100% serious

Sunghoe: Ain't no wayyy...

Hot gay: Ok this is a plot twist

"Junjii" made a groupchat
"Junjii" added "Sunghoe" and "Yongsue"

Junjii: Yongsoo
You ok?

Yongsue: I'm fine

Sunghoe: No you're not
We know you too well
Where are you

Yongsue: In the room with Jisung and Wookjin

Junjii: Come to our room
I don't want you in that room right now
Especially if they're both in there

Yongsue: Ok

"Sungho and Junhyung's room"

"Guys," Yongsoo said through the tears, "It hurts. It fucking hurts."

"It's going to ok I promise. You'll find someone else," Sungho said in the most caring way possible.

"No it's not! Especially when your two crushes get together," Yongsoo screamed.

"Calm down. One day, you'll get over them and you might find someone better. It might take a while but just try to live through it," Junhyung stated.

"Yes I might but not when they're in the same fucking house as me!" Yongsoo yelled.


Sixty-NINE: Does anyone hear someone crying and screaming downstairs

Sunghoe: Sorry
Me, Yongsoo, and Junhyung are watching a sad movie

Love 😘: Oh ok

Private messages between "Hot gay" and "Junjii"

Junjii: Kyubin
Are you and Taeyeob home?

Hot gay: Yes

Junjii: Come to me and Sungho's room
Yongsoo needs all the support he can right now

Hot gay: Ohh
I see what's happening
Me and Taeyeob are coming

"Sungho and Junhyung's room"

"Hey Yongsoo," Kyubin walked into the room with Taeyeob,"Are you ok?"

Taeyeob hit Kyubin,"Does it look like he's ok? Hey Yongsoo, it's going to be ok, we promise. We'll take care of you."

"Thank you, all of you," Yongsoo wiped away his tears,"You guys are the best friends I've ever met."

"Let's go out for karaoke. Forget about them!" Sungho said.

"Let's not invite them too. They can have their private time," Junhyung suggested.

"Let's go bitches!" Kyubin got off the bed and went out the room,"I'll drive!"

"Coming!" Yongsoo yelled.

"Which coming?" Taeyeob asked.

"Shut up!" Yongsoo yelled.

"The karaoke place"

"Junhyung! Pass the mic!" Yongsoo screamed.

"Pass the mic pass the mic!" Taeyeob sang.

"Shut up! I'm about to start my performance!" Yongsoo grabbed the mic from Junhyung.

"Kyubin! Gimme the beer!" Junhyung demanded.

"Get it yourself!"

"Here!" Sungho said as he gave the beer to Junhyung.

"Guys shut up! Yongsoo's gonna sing!" Taeyeob screamed.



"YONGSOO SING YOUR HEART OUT!!!" Sungho yelled out.



"Guys that was a lot of fun!" Yongsoo stated.

"I know right!"Sungho agreed.

"Thank you guys so much. This helped me so much," Yongsoo said about to cry.

"Yongsoo, you don't have to keep thanking us. We'll do this anytime," Kyubin explained.

"Ok so who's driving home?" Taeyeob asked.

"I'll do it. I didn't drink that much beer," Junhyung volunteered.

"Says the one who asked for the beer like 10 times, " Yongsoo said.

"Shut up"

"I'll drive. I drank the less. Y'all drank so much,"Sungho grabbed the car keys from Kyubin.


Love 😘: Where did y'all go?

Hot gay: We wanted you to have your couple time

Yongsue: What he said

Sixty-NINE: Where'd you go tho

Junjii: Karaoke

Sixty-NINE: You guys did not go without us...

Yoojungg: Too bad too sad

Hot gay: We'll invite you guys next time
We just couldn't think of where to go

Love 😘: You better

"Nice save Kyubin," Yongsoo said

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