The Seoul police station was buzzing with activity. Officers hurriedly walked from one room to another, the echo of their shoes on the polished floor filling the air. Phones rang constantly, and the occasional loud chatter added to the lively atmosphere. The scent of coffee lingered as officers sipped from their cups while dealing with the day's challenges.

Amidst the organized chaos, Jackson Wang, stood with a stoic expression. He found himself in the middle of the police station, surrounded by people in various uniforms. The head inspector, a stern figure with a reputation for being tough, approached him with a dangerous glare in his eyes.

The head inspector held a stack of papers in his hands, and his intense gaze shifted between the documents and Jackson. These papers were the bailment papers for Min Suk-Ja, Y/N's father, and Yoongi, her brother. 

The two men had found themselves on the wrong side of the law, Min Suk-Ja for reasons unknown, and Yoongi for slapping an on-duty officer in the heat of the moment.

The head inspector, known for his no-nonsense approach, eyed Jackson as if trying to extract information from his very soul. The atmosphere became tense, and the hum of the busy police station seemed to fade for a moment.

"Jackson Wang," the head inspector's voice cut through the ambient noise. "You're involved in quite a situation here."

Jackson maintained his stoic demeanor, meeting the inspector's gaze without flinching. The inspector shuffled through the bailment papers, his brows furrowing as he reviewed the details. The seriousness of the situation was etched on his face.

"These papers are for the release of Min Suk-Ja and Yoongi. Do you understand the gravity of the charges against them?" The head inspector's tone was stern, and his eyes drilled into Jackson. Jackson nodded, acknowledging the weight of the situation. "I do, sir. But they are innocent. There's more to this story than what's on those papers."

The head inspector's glare intensified. "Innocent or not, we follow the law here. Your friends are not above it. Slapping an officer is a serious offense, and Min Suk-Ja's case is under investigation. We can't just release them without due process."

Jackson's expression made his determination evident. "I respect the law, sir. But I believe in their innocence. There's something deeper going on, and we need time to sort it out. Please, consider the circumstances."

The head inspector sighed, a mix of irritation and understanding crossing his features. "I'll release them temporarily, but they are not off the hook. If your claims don't hold, they'll face the consequences."

The head inspector maintained a cold demeanor as he stamped the papers with a pissed-off look in his eyes. In the next instant, the lockup door swung open, revealing the arrivals of the night's celebrities – Min Yoongi and Min Suk-Ja.

As anticipated, the first thing that crossed Yoongi and his father's minds when Hoseok left Min's villa was to head straight to the police. They underestimated the reach of the vipers, the mafia that held sway over Seoul, particularly the mafia under the rule of Kim Taehyung.

Their expectations were shattered when the Seoul Police, upon hearing Kim Taehyung's name, flatly denied any assistance. This denial fueled Yoongi's infamous temper, leading to a chaotic situation. Amid the chaos, an alleged inspector made some remarks that further angered Yoongi, culminating in him slapping the officer.

That remark being, "If you take my advice, forget about her, she is probably dead No one ever came alive from that devil's den...." 

Rather than calming the situation, Min Suk-Ja, in the frustration of his daughter's disappearance, supported his son. This support landed him in the cells alongside Yoongi. It was 8 PM on Monday, and Min Y/N had officially been missing for 16 hours. 

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