Chapter 27

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There they were. All of them, except one, on the backyard around a warm fire watching the stars. Maybe, this was the first time they had ever gathered all together after Minho's passing.

"Why don't we all say something about him? Make it as a memorial... I miss his jokes." Chan said.

"I miss his advice and his way of thinking." Jeongin added

"I miss him soothing voice." Felix was next.

"I miss my buddy." It was Changbin's turn.

"I miss my sassy dance teacher." Of course something Seungmin would say.

"I miss the person I fell in love with, I miss the person that completed me."

Jisung... of course that was something Jisung would say and Hyunjin was sure, if they had left Jisung to talk about it more he would never stop talking about all of the things he missed about Minho.


"I- uh... I miss my best friend. But most of all I miss his hugs. They were the kind of hugs a kid could only get. The hugs you would pray to be able to have once in your life time. They weren't the usual type we all spare around, they were different. They felt like what your comfort character from a childhood show would give you once you met them. He would roll his arms around your body engulfing you into his embrace and he would just stay here, never letting go unless you broke the hug first."


"Yes Bin?"

"How is it after what you witnessed? Only if you are comfortable you can answer-"

"I've witnessed stuff before. This was by far the most gruesome sight. I wish I could unsee it but... I can't. Every time I close my eyes that night displays.
I feel guilt, remorse, I question myself a lot what could I have done differently what could have saved him? What if it was me? How would my funeral be like? Would everyone have gotten so hurt if that had been me? Is there a way I can make it better? "

Suddenly Hyunjin was engulfed in a huge group hug.
For a moment after the accident he felt a warm feeling in heart and that almost reassured him, everything was going to be okay.

"Thank you guys."

"What'd you say?"

"I said thank you... I am feeling... peaceful."

"Hyun, can you talk properly?"

"What do you mean Lix?"

"Hey, hey, stop slurring your words."

"I- I'm not. I'm not. I'm not slurring any words. What?"

"Hey, do you hear me? Babe."

"Yes! Yes I do!"

"Oh, no, no, no. Don't panic love okay? Um- if you can hear me, squeeze my hand twice."

And Hyunjin did, even though in his head there was reason for it.

"Okay, that's good. Um- you- um- you are not making any sense while you speak. Your speech seems like it doesn't quite work at the moment."

"What? But- I'm talking-"

"No, no. Don't worry. The doctor- the doctor said everything's fine. He was expecting that. It's normal. We should sleep on it and then we'll see what we are going to do tomorrow okay? Come on, let's go."



"Seungmin, hi."

"He fell asleep?"

"Yes, he did yeah."

"Hyung... I don't think, this is something unrelated with the accident."

"I know. I believe that too."

"I'm worried. He has other symptoms too-"

"We will face it okay? Tomorrow we have to go back either way. He'll meet with Mr Lee and then we are off to the hospital-"

"No, we should just go there first."

"No, he wouldn't go there. Not willingly, unless he meets Mr Lee first, so that's what we'll do."

"Okay. You know best."



"It seems the bleeding has not stopped."

"What do you mean? It's been so long, how could he be bleeding all along?"

"Internal bleeding don't work like that Mr Bang. When he left the hospital the healing process seemed to be smooth. However, sometime in between his hospital visits something cause him bleed again. "

"What do we do now?"

"The only thing we can do now is surgery. We'll try pur best to stop the hemorrhage and then we'll hope for the damage to be small."


Smallest chapter ever I know, but hey... here's an update

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