Chapter 18

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Hyunjin believed there was no pain left for him to experience.

Until he heard Minho's skull being mushed into a bloody mass.
Until he heard his neck breaking against the window of a car.
Until he saw Minho bleeding out, dead on the side of the road.

For a minute he felt like that boy was himself with the raw, dark shade of purple covering up his body and his badly bruised up neck... this was once him, only that his neck wasn't broken, nor was he hit by a racing car, it was his choice but this was not a choice Minho had made.

This was fate being unfortunate someone whlould say.

This wasn't unfortunate! No!
This was unfair!
This was disgusting!
This was painful!

This was a fatal accident and Hyunjin knew there would be no way back from it all.

He didn't know when he had arrived at the hospital, nor that Minho had been rushed into the emergency operation room in the desperate need of doctors to save him.

He only realised when he felt for the millionth time his phone vibrate from the back pocket of his bloody pair of jeans and with not thought he answered.

"What the fuck Hyunjin?! We've been calling you both for hours and Minho's phone is not available and you aren't answering, we lost the ceremony because of you! Where are you!?"


"No! Don't-"

"We're in the fucking hospital and he's fucking dead!"


"Minho! He died in front of my fucking eyes! A car- a car- I didn't notice- he- God! Chan... oh my God- bloody- everywhere-"

The phone fell from his hand but before it landed on the floor a nurse caught it and thankfully in a much calmer tone she gave them the address of the hospital.

"Sir... I am a nurse here, are you with the boy from the car crash?"

"Yes. Is he-"

"I am afraid I cannot give you any information but I have noticed you seem to be injured yourself. Could you please follow me? We must check up on you too."

"No, I am fine. It's fine. I'm not in pain."

"Your head seems to be in a bad shape-"

"I don't want to get examined!"

"Okay... how about I just get your wounds cleaned up and give you a new pair of clothes? Unless, I'll have to force-"


He didn't even know how could he talk after that.
Now whenever he closed his eyes except for Jisung he was witnessing Minho being dead too.

Why did everything had to happen to him?
Why him?
Why Minho?
Why wasn't he the one who got hit?

"Hyunjin! Where is Minho? What happened? What-"

"Sung... careful, don't you see him?"

"Let me be Lix! Where is he Hyunjin? Why was he hit? It's your fault, isn't it?"

"Jisung stop."

"It's your fault! It should have been you!"


"You should have died the first time you-"

"Stop it now! This is not okay. Stop."

"For Mr Lee Minho?"

"Here! Doctor, how is he-"

"I am sorry. We did everything we could but he was dead on arrival."

It was that moment where everyone broke down, everyone except for Hyunjin who had already been grieving since the moment his eyes met Minho's dead, distant ones on his unrecognizable face.


"Excuse me. Sir?"


"Are you with the boys from the car accident?"


"First of all, my condolences. This must be so hard and traumatizing for everyone."

"Thank you."

"I would also like to express my concerns for the other boy. He witnessed the whole scene and when they were brought in here he seemed in a state of shock that I believe he's still in it. I know the death must be hard on everyone but please pay attention to him too. I'm not only worried about his mental health but his physical too."


"He was also injured. When he arrived his head was in a really condition and he wouldn't let anyone to treat or examine him. He only allowed me to clean up his superficial wounds and to give him a pair of clothes. I am worried he might be experiencing worse injuries and not talk about it, so if you notice anything weird, any change in his personality, dizziness, loss of balance or difficulty waking up... please bring him to the hospital immediately. It might be life threatening. "

"Okay. Thank you for letting me know."

"Again... I am so sorry for your loss. If any of you need any kind of mental support here is a card with a specialized therapist in car accidents and group therapies."

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