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Last chapter was originally planned to be the last one for this story.

It may be confusing I know but... I liked it that way.

However, as I've seen many of you like the story.

Would you like me to try to think how this could be continued and not end it here? (I'm not promising it'll be good)

Or do feel like that was a good enough closure?

For me it was a good way of closing that story.
Chan knows he loves Hyunjin, he'll do anything for him even though he's aware of Hyunjin's mental instability and his secret love for Minho and after a of that he's willing to lose himself in order to allow Hyunjin to keep up with him.

It is not a hopeful ending it is not sad either, it is bitter. We don't know how life will eventually turn out, if they die young or old, if another tragedy occurs and that, for me, is also pretty.
You can imagine what could have happened or what could have not.
For some they might have committed. For others stuff could get better and that is all up to the imagination of the person who read that.

So what would you like for me to do?

If you chose for this story to end would you like for me to upload a more horror-like story or an a action-romance-comedy?

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