Chapter 20

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"Mr Hwang?"

"It's us. Is he okay?"

"Please follow me."

"Just tell us doctor, please."

"His brain... my team and I... we don't know how he lasted for so long without medical attention. "

"What is wrong?"

"The hit has caused internal swelling and bleeding, he has also a few broken ribs because of your attempt to keep him alive."

"What is the prognosis?"

"It is too early. He is awake but he is on heavy medication to help keep him calm, it is the only way to help with the bleeding without performing surgery and this is an option we would like to avoid considering the traumatic event, psychology plays a huge role for any kind of procedure. However if I is necessary we'll do anything we can to save him."

"I'm sorry but I don't seem to understand. Is he going to have any... disabilities? Has the injury done further damage?"

"We don't talk about disability-"

"Oh thank-"

"We talk about life or death. He was seen as luckier than your other friend but... I don't know how this could turn out. I don't want to give you false hopes nor deem him dead but, you should be prepared for any scenario.
The accident has really effected that part of his brain that controls breathing, if that swelling doesn't subside or if any type of surgical intervention doesn't succeed the hopes would be none."

"If he survives, will he have-"

"We don't know yet. Let's just hope for him to make it through before considering anything else. I am sorry but I have to go, a nurse will call you to see him soon."

"Thank you doctor."


"Hello, Mr Hwang?"

"No, this is Han Jisung, who's calling?"

"We are from fhe police department. We would like to speak with Mr Hwang if that is possible."

"He is at the hospital I don't think he will be able to talk."

"Hm, we are going to sent to his phone a video from the accident. If and when he feels ready he could watch it, it could be helpful with the investigation."

They indeed sent a video.
He pressed play.

At first it was Hyunjin and Minho talking calmly and all of a sudden a pair of blinding lights appeared.
Minho seemed to freeze, Hyunjin hadn't even noticed.
Minho tried to move but before he could even do anything he was hit by the car hitting Hyunjin next.
Their bodies fell to the road.
Hyunjin was facing him.
At first you would think he was dead too but when he ran towards Minho's lifeless body to try and do something, anything to save him, despite his own blood flowing like a river that's when you realized maybe if they had both died it would be for the best.


"I know Sung, I know."

"Why did he die Lix? Why him? Why the person i loved? Why them? Did you see the way Hyunjin's head-"

"Shhh... at least we'll save him."

"I can't lose him too."

"You won't, we won't lose him too. It's okay dear, cry. Cry, it's fine... we've lost someone dear to us... let it all out."


The moment Hyunjin opened up his eyes, he felt the walls closing up on him.
He couldn't take a breath.
He wasn't aware if anyone was talking to him or not, he just knew he should have died.

"Hyunjin? Breath... hey!"

You killed me, you killed me, you killed me.
You are a murderer, you are a murderer, you-

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I didn't want you to die, I didn't want to kill you. No, I'm sorry, I am so sorry, it should have been me, I am sorry."

"No, Hyunjin... look don't worry it is just us okay?"


"Hyun, hello baby, it's fine, you're fine."

"Don't call me-"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I won't."


"At the hospital. You are really hurt Hyun. They are worried you might nit make it. Please fight hard okay?"

"Okay." He said looking at the figure of his dead best friend on the corner of the room. This was his secret and nobody should know.


I know this is short, I'm sorry.
But! I promise to make it up to you by uploading soon, see this chapter as a prelude for what is coming

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