"Come on, dude. Don't spoil the mood." He shook his head.

"You've got to get laid." He always wants to get me laid.

It's not like I'm a virgin.

I do occasional fucks.

"My hands work better," I say, kicking his legs, indirectly telling him to get away.

"Ouch. Don't try to be aggressive, Captian."

"Fuck off." I say glaring at him.

"I'll arrange for you a compatible fuck for tonight. Don't be late. See ya" he whispers to me.

Winking at me, he strolls to his seat before he gets a punch in the face.

Piece of shit.

Don't blame me, if he's found dead in his bed one morning.

That's definitely me.

 Amelia's POV:-

Calming my nerves, I walk toward the classroom.

He was burning holes in my body with his light blue eyes.

As if he could eat me up at any time.


It sounds so wrong.

I walk to my seat, taking a long breath, without looking anywhere near the devil.

I was busy looking for something to distract myself as I took the table near the window.

I feel the hairs on my neck prickle.

It's him.

I'm not going to look at him, though.

The class felt silent as Mrs. Stone arrives.

She has a beautiful smile on her face and looks amazing, as always.

Beside her, an unidentified person is standing.

With brown hair flowing across his forehead, he had a tall and well-muscled physique.

He scans the room.

His gaze connects with mine.

I come to a standstill on the ground in my wake.

His unique green eyes.

green eyes? That is quite rare.

"Good morning, class." She says this, beaming broadly.

"A new student has joined our class. Daniel Williams." Giving him a nod.

"I expect friendly behavior from all of you." She says playing strict.

"Daniel, you may place yourself next to Chris. I wish you comfort in the company of everyone."

With a final look in my direction, he moves to sit next to Chris.

What's with all of them staring at me?

"As we discussed the assignment, I have the names classified in pairs." That's gets my attention.

"Luca and Mike, Chris and Rosey, Xavier and Bassie--" and so on.

"Kia and Ian, Lisa and Mark,"

Kia turns around and smiles brightly as she turns to face Ian, who isn't paying any attention.

"Amelia and Daniel."

No way

My breathing stops.

Absolutely not in the wildest nightmares.

Daniel is already staring at me as I turn to face him.

Hold off.

How can he be aware of my name?

Another glare seems to be poking holes in me.

Ian is staring at me right now, his jaw twitching.

I shift my focus to the front of the classroom.

The remaining part of the class fell away.

It appears like God is not pleased with me these days.

I believe that I should have some stress-free days.


I was mid-thought when the lunch bell rang out. In a second, the class will be empty.

I rise, carrying my backpack, and sigh.

I'm blocked in my way suddenly.

Ian cast me a cold, stone-like look as he looked down.

Is there ever a time when he smiles?

I bide my time till he speaks. Something?

I said, "Excuse me?" growing agitated.

my entire face, wearing a bewildered expression.

What's the matter with him?

I attempt to move away from him, shaking my head at his lack of response.

He keeps up and appears before me once more.

Actually, that is a bit irritating.

"What the heck is going on? Please step aside," I argue, my voice laced with ire.

He's still gazing at me, wanting me to slam a fist into his gorgeously sculpted face.

"What's wrong wit--?"

"Amelia?" A harsh, gruff voice cuts me off. When I turn to face Daniel, I notice him approaching me and disregarding Ian as if he were invisible.

"Yes?" comes off as harsher than I meant to.

"Can you show me around the school?" He asks me in a tone devoid of feeling.

"Huh?" Was I hearing him correctly?

His head is tilted slightly to one side, giving me the impression that I got him correctly.

Glancing across at Ian, I say to Daniel in a composed tone,

"Why not? I'm just coming back from the restroom."

I nod my head and reply, plastering a smile on my face.

Daniel gives Ian a straight-faced nod in return, his eyes fixed on Ian.

Both of them were staring at each other as I walked by Ian's side.

Are these boys cavemens?

A tough face like a rock and a fiery gaze? 

(A/n :- As I'm busy with college so I'm unable to upload further chapters regularly. I apologise.
I'll be uploading every week one chapter due to lack of time. Hope you'll are enjoying the story. Do comment and vote to show you love.)



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