After I tucked her in, I ran downstairs to see everyone looking tense and panicked. Dad asked, "Vihaan, what is happening?" I said, "Dad, relax. I will take care of it, okay? You all just sit here and watch TV."

Anandh said, "Bhai, how can we watch TV while some random people are attacking us?" I smiled at him, asking, "Don't you trust your bhai, Anandh? Don't worry; I am here, right?" He nodded, and we hugged as shri said, "Please take care, Bhai." I nodded, and Maa added, "Vihaan, are you sure you can handle it?" I nodded, saying, "Yes, Maa. I promise nothing will happen to me, okay?"

Everyone nodded, and I said, "At any cost, don't wake her up. If she comes down asking for me, say I went to the office." Again, everyone nodded as Alex came in, saying, "King, they are almost here." With that, I went outside, ready to show the real devil in me.

Until now, everyone had seen me as Vihaan Singhania. Now they would witness why I got the name "Devil." They were about to see my wrath. I heard bike sounds in the distance, so I signaled everyone to be alert.

I told everyone "Let's finish this quickly and quietly because my wife is sleeping alright?" They all nodded.

When we saw hundreds of people coming towards us, I smirked, taking the gun from Alex's hand. I shot the first one, and everyone there became alert. Soon, we heard gun sounds everywhere, and I saw blood everywhere.

I almost killed a hundred people by now. How come they have this many people? But anyhow, the number of people doesn't matter to me because their strength doesn't match mine. Almost everyone who came is either dead or ran away in fear. I saw some of our men with injuries, and two of them were dead, but most of them were fine.

Alex gave me a nod, saying, "Queen is safe, King." I patted his shoulder, saying thank you. He smiled, "That's my duty, King."

I said in a loud voice so that everyone could hear, "Thank you for today, everyone. Without you, I don't know what I would have done. I will forever be in debt to all of you. Alex will take you all to the hospital, and after everyone is doing okay, we will arrange a party."

Everyone whistled. I said, "Alex, clear everything here before you all go, okay? Because if she sees this, we are all dead." He smiled, nodding.

I heard in the distance, "Aaannnn." I panicked, looking at Alex. "King, you are drenched in blood," he said. I internally groaned. He said, "We will take care of this, King. You go." I nodded, silently thanking him, and ran to the backhouse, where I saw Rahul holding a fresh pair of clothes in one hand and a pipe connected to a tap in the other.

I ran to him, hugging him, saying, "You are a lifesaver, Laddo." He pushed me, "Geez, bhai, you're soaked in blood. Was it that bad?" I smirked, asking, "What do you think?"

I heard again, "Aaannnn," this time I heard it in near distance. He poured water on me, making sure there was no stain on me. I took the clothes and towel from him, drying myself first and then changing clothes.

Again, I heard, "Aaannnn, where are you?" I ran inside with Rahul and closed the door so that she cannot see anything outside. I saw her near the stairs and all my family in the living room, looking outside in complete terror.

I asked Rahul in his ear, "What is wrong with them?" He whispered, "They saw you like the Devil for the first time, bhai, so they are still awestruck." I widened my eyes, asking, "They saw everything?" He nodded.

I asked, "Then, Vie?" He shook his head, saying, "She just came down." I sighed, going to her, "Vie, I'm here. What happened?"

She came near me, looking suspiciously and asked, "Why is your hair wet, Aan? And what happened to the clothes you were wearing?"

I panicked, stuttering, "Uhhh, Vie, it's nothing. I just, hmm, uhh..." Rahul came beside me and said, "Killer, we went outside to get ice cream for everyone, but it suddenly rained, so we ran inside, and we were changing our dress when you called bhai. That's all."

I eye-thanked Rahul and said, "Yes, Vie, that's all." She nodded, asking, "You went for ice cream? This late?" I said, "Huu, well, Shri asked for some ice cream, so..."

She nodded again, circling my arm, "I can't sleep, Aan. Are you done with your work?" I hummed, saying, "Come on, let's get you to bed." She smiled, and I sighed.

She asked, "Why is everyone looking at us as if they have seen a ghost, Aan?" I looked back to see everyone looking at me with wide eyes, with some fear and with some pure shock.

I scratched my back, saying, "Nothing, Vie. They saw some horror movie, so everyone is acting like that." She shrugged, saying, "Everyone is weird today, Aan."

I picked her up and said, "Let's sleep. Everything will be fine by tomorrow, okay?" She circled her arms around my neck. I looked at Rahul and signaled him to take care of the family and went to our room.


The way he is just so soft for her...

The attack was fine, because however we won! But what is going to happen next?

Will Vedhanth leave saanvi alone or he will come back? What exactly is their intention? Is what reyaansh told them is truth?

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