Snuggle Bud/Bad Batch

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Just a fun little preference of how you find yourself cuddling each batcher



Checking the time on your chronometer, you found your watch shift was over. A good thing too, seeing as you'd been starting to drift off.

Standing from the pilots seat, you reached your arms to the ceiling, grunting as your stiff muscles finally got to stretch. Slowly bringing your arms back down, your eyes swept over the dashboard, doing one final check before leaving. Everything looked fine to your tired eyes, so off you went to the bunks.

Echo took the shift after yours leaving you the final task of waking him. He awoke with just a tap to the shoulder, no words needing to be exchanged. He knew the drill, it was time for his shift and you could officially retire to bed. He pat your shoulder in thanks and left to the cockpit.

Once he was gone you glanced to your bed, contemplating. Which bunk would you take for the night? Yours, or his?

Recently, you've found yourself spending the night in Hunter's bunk far more than your own. And although you weren't exactly together, it was clear your relationship with him went far deeper than with any of the others.

Just the small thought of him made your heart skip and before you truly made up your mind, you found yourself at his side. But something was off. As you got closer, you noticed blonde hair in the spot you usually took.

It seemed Omega had beaten you to it.

She was curled up close to his side, his arm draped over her comfortingly, and their breathing synced.

You smiled at the sight, ignoring the pang of disappointment. You'd get the chance to sleep at his side another time.

Turning quietly in hopes of not waking them, you were brought to a sudden stop. A hand wrapped around your wrist and pulled you back to the bunk.

"Where you going?" Hunter asked groggily.

"Back to my bunk. My spot's been taken," you explained in a whisper, nodding toward the girl.

"You don't have to leave," he said, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you close.

"Are you suggesting I climb in bed with the two of you?"

He nodded, a sleepy smile spreading across his face.

You softly brushed the hair out of his face to better see the expression, "Sounds tempting, but I seriously doubt we'll all fit."

"Course we will," he said leaning into your touch. "Besides, I sleep better with you by me."

You hoped he couldn't hear the sudden pounding of your heart, but the sly twinkle in his eye only proved he did.

"C'mon darling," he mumbled, pulling you somehow closer to the bed.

His sudden confession and use of a pet name made you momentarily forget why you refused the offer. So you nodded in agreement, slightly unaware of the action.

Without letting you go, he softly moved Omega, creating room for you between them. She stirred for a moment causing you both to hold your breath, waiting for her to wake up, only for her to fall back into steady breaths.

When you both knew she was settled, Hunter sat up, allowing enough room for you to crawl into the bunk. You moved to the new spot cautiously. Wanting the little girl to stay asleep.

But as you crept closer, she sat up slowly, squinting at you in confusion.

"Do you mind if y/n spends the night here too?" Hunter asked gently.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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