Runaway Royalty/Boba Fett

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Hellooo! Just a quick note, I wrote this using they/them pronouns for the reader like I have in the stories before this one, but Boba does use the term princess as a nickname because I mean...the way he says it is just really hot

Okay enough of that, to the story!


The famed bounty hunter, Boba Fett, was yet again on another job. Not a very difficult one either. This particular bounty was embarrassingly easy to find. To the point, he began questioning how no one else had found them yet.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Boba watched his bounty stroll through the small market on the remote planet. They stood taller than the others and had gracious strides, talking to the market vendors with a kindness others didn't care to show. It's what made them so easy to spot.

After paying the vendor and sharing a warm smile, they pulled their hood up, leaving quickly.

They knew Boba was there for them.


Of course you knew he was there for you. Why else would a Mandalorian be stalking through a market on an almost unknown planet?

You felt his eyes on you the moment you entered the area. You hoped to lose his interest by shopping casually but as your anxiety grew, you fled.

Running through the small town, you stopped in an alleyway to catch your breath. Peaking around the wall, you no longer saw the Mandalorian and let out a relieved sigh. That relief was gone when you heard a pair of heavy boots from behind you.

Turning your head slowly, you came face to face with the green helmet that had been watching you all day.

You whipped around, ready to run, but something wrapped around your ankles and pulled you to the ground. Landing with a grunt, you rolled around only to see the Mandalorian approaching you.

"Please," you choked out, having nothing else to do but beg for your life. "I can't go back," you said, shaking you head vigorously. "Whatever they're paying you, I'll pay you double just, please-" you cried as he pointed his blaster at you.

"My apologizes, Princess," he said right before everything went dark.


When you awoke, you shot up in a panic and began examining your body only to find yourself unharmed. The bounty hunter only stunned you. Breathing out, you finally looked around to find yourself in a cell.

With a groan, you laid back down, grimacing as you noticed how disgusting the ground was. But there was no bed, so where else were you supposed to lay down? You stayed there until you noticed an ominous dark stain covering the ground. Sitting up slightly you saw you were laying in it.

Shooting up to your feet you began dusting yourself off with grunts of disgust and a string of curses.

"You're awake," a voice said making you jump.

"Yeah, um you wanna tell me what I was just laying in?" you asked, still wiping your clothes off.

The bounty hunter came closer, tilting his head to get a better look at the stain, "I think it's better you don't know."

"Oh, great that's reassuring. Now, what do you want with me?"

"Not one for manners are we?" he tsked.

"Well, I don't feel inclined to be polite to the person that just kidnapped and shot me!"

"I only stunned you."

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