I'll Be Home for Christmas/501st

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For the past few weeks, the boys of the 501st had noticed a shift in your mood. Usually, you were their shoulder to cry on, the person that could share a smile when joy didn't seem possible, but now, you were distant.

They weren't sure what had caused the shift, each having a different idea as to why. Yet, they waited for you to come to them when you were ready. And eventually, you did.

After a quiet day aboard The Resolute, you found solace, sitting beside the stoic Captian. Not much was said until you began reminiscing on your childhood. Telling old family stories of a holiday called Christmas. A holiday that was in close relations to Life Day, and taking place on your home planet in only a few days.

Rex explained what he'd learned to his brothers, who were able to put two and two together.

You were homesick. You missed your family and the simplicity of life before the war.

The boys wanted to offer comfort for you, the way you always did for them, but they didn't know how. They didn't know life before the war, nor were they given childhoods filled with gift giving holidays. But they had to do something.

So the 501st got together and began doing what they do best. Scheming.

Together, they decided they'd give you the best Christmas they could offer. Even though they knew little of the holiday, they were determined to make it as magical as you described.

They got to work quickly, asking you casually to share more stories and traditions, gathering the information they needed to recreate what they could.

You talked about your hometown being covered in snow and the homes decorated with twinkling lights. The trees you'd bring inside and dress with ornaments, the best being the ones made with love and care, and the presents that would slowly gather underneath it. You went on about your favorite foods and treats, the ones you'd make alongside your family.

But with every question asked and every story shared, you always mentioned your favorite part of it all. Being surrounded by who you loved and taking the time to show them that love.

That should be easy enough to achieve...right?


"Oh kriff," Rex exhaled, looking over the room he and the boys had been decorating for over an hour.

Fives forced out a grin, "We tried! That's what really matters!"

"It looks..." Kix dragged out, unsure what words could describe the sight in front of him.

"It's certainly eye catching," Jesse said, covering his smile.

"Any word from Hardcase?" Rex asked.

Echo glanced down at his comm, "No sir, nothing yet."

"Then maybe there's time to fix this. Call in reinforcements."

When Ahsoka was called by the boys, she was surprised. Even more so when she found what they needed from her.

Looking around the room she tried not to make her grimace obvious. But the disappointment and worry on the boys faces proved she failed to do so.

"I'm not sure what you want me to do. I've never heard of Christmas and I'm no decorator. You should've called in Kenobi."

"Kenobi is on an entirely different ship," Rex groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.

The girl shrugged, "Maybe the gesture will mean more than the appearance."

"We'd better hope so, cause we've got incoming," Echo said, looking up from his comlink, "Hardcase and y/n are inbound."

"Places everyone!" Rex ordered, directing Ahsoka, who'd been dragged into the mess.

The boys ran about, placing last minute decorations, grabbing their matching sweaters, and jumping to their spots. The room flooded with a mix of emotions, no one knowing how you'd react to the surprise.

"Alright Hardcase, what's really going on?" you asked from the doorway.

"I don't know what you mean," he deadpanned.

"Really? Because you and the rest of the boys have been acting off all day, and you've just dragged me across the whole ship to do useless busy work."

"What're you talking about? You've not had fun spending the day with me?"

You sighed, "Of course I've loved spending time with you, but what's really going on?"

He shrugged, a smile creeping across his face as his eyes flickered between you and the door.

"Am I supposed to go in there?"

"I dunno," he said looking up to the ceiling, "Do you want to?"

You heaved a sigh, having dealt with his antics for long enough. Punching the button to the door, you watched it slide open to reveal a Christmas wonderland.

Lights of all shapes, colors, and sizes were strung across the walls, hanging slightly lopsided, but shining brightly all the same. Tables were cluttered with all your favorite treats you'd missed so much while away from home, the smell of them all making it feel like you never left. And in the center of the room, standing tall and proud was a makeshift Christmas tree.

Unable to drag a real tree onto the ship, the boys did what they could to recreate the decorated pine trees you talked so fondly of. They found old crates and stacked them together, each getting smaller as the tower went up. More lights were wrapped around it's edges and the sides were painted to create the texture of an actual tree. As well as delicately painted ornaments and handmade ornaments along the sides.

Not having much to use, the ornaments were made of old armor pieces and random scraps that could be used for nothing more. Crafted into shapes or simply painted, but each having been made with love.

Best of all was beside the tree, lined up in an orderly fashion and watching your reaction intently. The boys in blue stood smiling in their ridiculous sweaters, waiting for you to break the silence.

"Did you do all this?" you asked, already knowing the answer.

Rex cleared his throat, "We know it's nothing like the holiday you're used to, but we wanted you to still be able to celebrate."

Your vision blurred as tears clouded your eyes, unable to stop the wave of sudden emotions, you heaved a sob.

"Oh no, why're they crying? They weren't supposed to cry!" Fives spluttered in panic.

Ahsoka immediately rushed to your side to comfort you.

"We know it's bad, but we really did try," Kix spoke over Fives rambling, tentatively stepping towards you.

"Bet you regret putting me on distraction duty now," Hardcase huffed.

Jesse rolled his eyes, "Of course you'd make this all about you."

You did your best to get ahold of yourself to stop any further arguing, but couldn't suck in enough air to start a sentence.

"Alright boys, let's take it down. No need to upset them more," Rex stated.

"No!" you cried out, having finally found your voice, "No, I love it!"

"Really?" Echo asked, eyeing the surroundings.

You nodded, "It feels-it reminds me of home. I just-thank you. This is the nicest thing anyone's done for me in so long."

The boys all smiled sheepishly, accepting your thanks with soft mutters.

Wiping away your happy tears, you got the rest of the party started. Enjoying the tasty food and surrounded by those that cared for you immensely, just like every Christmas should be.

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