Somewhere Only We Know pt. 2

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From that night on, they kept to their agreement. y/n could continue to sneak away during the night, but only if Obi-Wan could accompany her, which they were doing now.

y/n quietly closed her door before turning around. Obi-Wan was waiting for her next to his door with a smile.

She motioned for him to follow, not wanting to risk being heard.

They walked down the hallway in silence, turning the corner and stopping at a shelf embedded into the wall. The shelves were lined with various mementos but nothing striking enough to capture the attention of someone passing by.

Grabbing hold of a candlestick, y/n pulled it down like a lever, then stepped back as the shelf opened to reveal a doorway.

"I still can't believe this was here the whole time. No wonder it took me so long to figure out where you were going."

"I can't believe you didn't find it with your Jedi powers."

"Not exactly how those work."

She shrugged, walking down the cold stone steps of the hidden stairwell, "Whatever, let's get a move on, we're losing moonlight."

At the end of the stairwell sat another door that led right to the hedge maze.

After closing the hidden doorway, they set off to the gazebo. The place y/n once considered to be only hers but now thought of it as hers and Obi-Wan's.

Reaching the area, y/n stepped on each and every crumbling stone that lead to the gazebo. She sat on the stairs, placing her back against the structure for support, and smiled blissfully, happy to be back at their spot.

"Might I ask why you like this spot so much?" Obi-Wan asked, sitting beside her.

She rested her hand on the floor of the gazebo, giving a weak smile, "Because most people have forgotten about it. Much like me."

"You don't seem forgotten to me."

"But I'm easy to forget. My parents do all they can to shove me to the side so they can forget about me. It's why I'm stuffed into the library all day. Learning to be the future Queen from books instead of experience."

"At least you're learning from something."

"I guess you're right," she said, letting silence envelop them.

"Do you ever wonder if the path that's been set up for you is the right one?" she asked in a whisper, scared to break the quiet.

"The only path I've ever known is the path of the Jedi. I've been made to believe it's the only path for me."

"I've only known this one. And I'm not sure I'm fit for it. I don't think I'll ever become the ruler I need to be."

Obi-Wan took a moment to think before speaking, "Everyone faces doubts when they're told to do something. Especially when it's thrust upon them without the option of saying no. But you're much more capable than you think."

The wise words from the Jedi helped put her in a better mood. Some worry still lingered, but was pushed aside for the time being.

"Thank you. Now enough moping around," she stated, standing up and stepping into the tall grass.

"Where are you going?" Obi-Wan asked, standing as well.

"To go look at the stars. And I know the perfect spot."

Pushing through the grass and past the trees, they entered a clearing with nothing to block the view of the sky.

y/n ran ahead with a smile, twirling in the grass and stopping to watch the wave of fireflies circle around her.

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