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The Havoc Marauder was known for the chaos usually bustling inside. But on the rare occasion, the ship would be filled with silence, much like now. With everyone in their separate quarters sleeping, the ship was left quiet.

Having a busy mind, you were finding it difficult to get any sleep. Your thoughts drifting from one thing to the other as you tossed and turned in your bed.

Your spastic thoughts were interrupted when you heard your door open. Not knowing who it was you pretended to be asleep, clutching the blaster under your pillow as a precaution.

Small and light footsteps made their way closer to you. Getting ready to pounce, you brought your blaster closer to you. At the sound of a tiny voice, you relaxed instantly.

"y/n," Omega whispered, tapping your shoulder repeatedly.

Wanting to have some fun, you smiled to yourself and rolled over dramatically. Eyes still closed and pretending to be asleep you let out a loud and obviously fake snore.

The little girl giggled, poking you again, "y/n, I know you're awake."

You protested with another loud snore making her giggle more.

"Shh, you'll wake someone up!"

You began giggling as well, peaking an eye open to look at her.

She began squeezing herself onto your bed, "I knew you were awake!"

"Oh, did you now?" you asked, tickling her sides. She squirmed out of your grip, holding back her laughs. "What are you doing up anyway?" you asked after calming down.

She placed her hands in her lap and looked down at them, "I couldn't sleep."

"Aw, is something wrong?"

Shaking her head, she moved closer to you and placed her head on your shoulder. Wrapping an arm around her she moved in closer. You ran your fingers through her hair, thinking of something to do to help pass the time.

"Well, since neither of us can sleep, do you wanna play a game?"

"What game?" she asked, looking up at your curiously.

"Nothing too crazy. Just something I call the Question Game."

"How do you play?"

"Well, I ask you a question, and then after you answer you ask me a question. And it can be any kind of question. A serious one, a silly one, anything you can think of."

She nodded vigorously to show she understood.

"So, do you want to play?"

Nodding again she sat up tall, "Can I go first?"

"Sure. Ask me anything."

After thinking long and hard she finally asked, "What's your favorite color?"

You smiled at the simple question and gave her your answer.

"Your turn!"

"Okay, let's see," you said, tapping your chin in thought. "Would you rather have a blaster or a lightsaber?"

"A blaster!" she said, making a gun with her hand and pretending to shoot.

You laughed at her actions, making her grin widely. Finally, she settled beside you, ready to ask her next question.

The game continued for some time. Questions ranging from serious topics to utterly outrageous. Causing both of you to hold in your laughter so you wouldn't wake up the others. If one of you got too loud the other would shush them urgently, only resulting in more noise and laughter.

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