Haunted House/Ghost Crew

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Yes this is late, but it's fine because it's always Halloween in my heart


It was a luxury to be stationed on a planet with no mission in sight. You weren't needed anywhere and were allowed to do whatever you pleased. But...not really. Fighting the Empire didn't exactly qualify you to do what you wanted without your adopted parent's permission.

So, when you and Ezra came across advertisements for an annual Haunted House attraction, you had to think carefully on how to ask if you could go.

"Okay, so you'll ask Hera-"

"What! No! Why am I asking Hera?" Ezra asked, hands on his chest defensively.

"Because she's not going to say yes to me," you explained, rolling your eyes at the obvious.

He rolled his eyes back, "Not true. We all know you're the golden child."

"Usually, but well..."

"Oh that's right, you're the one that screwed us up last mission," Ezra said smugly, not missing the chance to throw your failure in your face.

"And I told you all it was a bad idea to put me there! I got bored waiting, what did you expect!"

"All you had to do was push a button to open our exit door!"

"Yeah, and wait for the exact right moment to do it. I zoned out and got distracted, just like I said I would! And I'm not all there is to blame! Chopper practically bailed on me!"

"Oh yeah, blame it on Chopper."

You huffed, ready to name every time he'd blamed Chopper for things he was clearly at fault for. But being the mature sibling figure you were, you chose to be the bigger person-by attacking him without warning.

Tackling him to the ground, he released a sharp scream. His arms began flailing as he tried to break his fall unsuccessfully.

Hearing the commotion, Chopper rolled into the room with Sabine close behind. Upon seeing everything was technically fine, Sabine leaned against the doorway, happy to watch. Chopper only egged on the commotion, chanting and throwing in an occasional whack.

"Ow! OW!" Ezra cried after a particularly harsh smack from Chop. "Sabine help!"

"Oh, no thank you. Besides, I'm sure whatever started this was warranted."

Feeling as though your point had been made, you stood clumsily to your feet. Making sure to shove Ezra down one last time to assure you'd be the first one standing.

He stayed on the floor, sprawled across it as though he were dead.

"Thanks for the help Chop," you said, dusting yourself off.

The droid spun happily before landing a smack to your shin with a particularly loud, "WOMP"

"OW" you called, pulling your leg away from him.

The droid laughed mischievously, earning a kick to the side from you.

"OI!" Zeb yelled, "What's with all the ruckus?"

You jumped at his voice not realizing he had entered the room, "Where did you come from?"

"What are you doing starting fights in my room?"

"He started it!" you shouted, pointing to a still defeated Ezra.

"That I don't doubt. But knock it off, I was hoping for some quiet with the time off."

"What started all this anyway?" Sabine asked, nudging Ezra with the tip of her boot.

"He was being stupid as usual," you explained, glaring down at him.

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