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"Alright, so you two understand your assignment?" Anakin asked from behind the holotable.

"Yes Anakin, we're just scouting the area. Not like we haven't done this before," you replied, glancing at Rex. 

The Captain held back a smile as his General shook his head at your snarky reply. 

"Then get moving." 

"Aye aye, General," you said with a lazy salute. 

As you turned to leave Rex politely nodded at Anakin before catching up with you. 

"Lead the way General," he said with a charming smile once at your side. 

Because of your status as a Jedi Knight, you were also a General in the ongoing Clone Wars. Often times your Clone Battalion worked closely with the 501st. Making it so you frequently worked with Anakin and Captain Rex. 

At the moment Anakin was taking the lead to break Separatist forces on a once Republic planet. Needing backup, you happily volunteered yourself and your men to help. 

"So Captain, care to remind me what we're scouting for?" you asked, once out of the base. 

With his voice now muffled due to his helmet, he replied, "You weren't listening were you?" 

"Nope, I got distracted." 

"You seem to do that a lot," he commented. 

"Only when Anakin's the one talking." 

And when his handsome Captain is standing right beside me. You added on in your head.

"Well, our objective is simple. We need to gather data on the planet's terrain and if we can, find enemy bases." 

"Right. You'd think after all this time I would've been able to put that together." 

"You'd think," Rex said with a hint of sass, making you smile. 

"I don't get why Anakin always puts us in charge of these. Literally, any other trooper could get the job done just as efficiently." 

Rex shrugged, "I can't complain. I don't mind the extra time with you."

Your face flushed at his words. You looked down at your boots, hoping he wouldn't see. After all, Jedi were not allowed to form attachments. You already had an attachment to Rex and you did not want it nor need it to grow. 

Being pulled out of your thoughts at the sound of a Battle Droid, you quickly grabbed Rex and pulled him behind a nearby boulder to hide. 

"Our forces are ready to move out General."

"Good," replied the raspy voice of General Grevious. "I will arrive shortly to aid you." 

You glanced at Rex nervously. If the lightsaber wielding cyborg was on his way it meant you were in for a hell of a fight. 

"We have to warn Anakin," you whispered. 

Rex nodded his head, "But how are we supposed to get out of here?"

"Slowly and quietly." 

"I'll follow your lead." 

With your hand on your saber, you began creeping back from the way you came. Taking cover when you could you'd motion for Rex to do the same. 

"Almost there," you whispered to mostly yourself. 

Taking a step forward something crunched loudly under your foot leading you to curse in frustration.

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