Reunion on Endor/Leia

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The battle with the Empire was coming to an end. The final battle against the new Death Star would determine the fate of the galaxy. With this pressure on the Rebel Alliance, everyone was under great stress. All wondering, would tomorrow be their final stand? 

Since you were a pilot for the rebels you were spending your time prepping your ship for the oncoming battle. As well as attempting to contact your friend, Leia Organa. 

Leia had been your friend ever since you joined the Rebellion. You formed a strong bond through the years of fighting the Empire. So strong that you eventually felt different emotions toward her. One that confused you at first but you later learned was love. 

As you did one final check on your ship you heard your communicator. You rushed toward it and accepted the transmission, "Leia is that you? Are you alright?" 

You heard her sweet laugh and instantly let out a sigh of relief. 

"Yes, it's me. And I'm fine." 

"I was so worried about you! You wouldn't answer me and I assumed the worst. Did the mission go alright?" 

"It went as it usually does. With more complications than wanted." 

"Wouldn't be a mission if there weren't," you said smiling, happy to be talking to her.

"But we made friends with the natives." 

"Oh, that's definitely a bonus." 

She laughed making you smile wider. 

"What have you been doing besides stressing over me?" she asked. 

"Stressing over what's going to happen tomorrow." 

"Aren't we all." 

You nodded as if she were there and could see you. After thinking for a second you quietly asked, "Do you think we'll even win?"

"Of course we will," she said with no hesitation. 

You smiled at her confidence, wishing you could feel the same. "Leia," you said with slight hesitation, "I-I really need to tell you something." 

"Tell me tomorrow, in person. After we win." 

"But Leia, even if we win what if one of us doesn't make it through the fight?" 

"Don't you talk like that," she said sternly. "We're both going to make it to the end of this. I'll make sure of it." 

"I really wish that was possible but-"

You were cut off when another voice intercepted. Han Solo. The man that constantly made you question if you could ever be with Leia. Their relationship confused you. You couldn't tell what they meant to one another, but you sensed it was more than friendship. 

"y/n, I'm sorry to leave you but I have to deal with this nerf herder and fuzzball." 

You forced out a laugh at the nicknames, "It's alright." 

"I will see you tomorrow." 

"Okay," you whispered. "But before you go I just need you to know that I-that I-" 

"What is it y/n?" she asked gently. 

You squeezed your eyes shut tightly, "I love you. So much." 

Before you could get a reply you cut the transmission. If something was meant to be you'd make it till tomorrow to tell her in person. And hopefully, she'd say it back. 


The fight against the Empire was harsh. You watched friends and colleagues die all around you. Multiple times you thought your end was coming as well. But even after several hits to your ship you were able to keep fighting. To the point that you were able to watch the fall of the second Death Star and the Empire itself. 

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