Baby Mine/Obi-Wan

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So before we start, I gotta go over some things. In this, the point of view changes a few times, it'll be marked where. Next is, the reader/you are the older sibling of Anakin. And although it's an Obi-WanxReader it will mostly focus on the reader and Anakin. Last is that the song used is Baby Mine from Dumbo. Okay, bye!

Vader stood in an Imperial ship looking out at the vast galaxy in front of him. Observing the stars and any planets that passed by.

He came to the realization that they were passing through an area he knew all too well. One that brought him back to a time that was much different than now. To when he was a child. To his time with you.

The thought of you made a smile creep its way on his face under his black mask. Vader fought the feeling away, glancing around as if someone would have noticed. But he was alone.

Suddenly at the back of his mind, he could feel something. No, hear something.

It was you. 

Vader looked around the room again but found himself still alone.

He watched the planet below him pass by and wondered for just a moment if you could be there. The thought was ridiculous. Why would you ever return to the horrendous dust ball that sat below him? Yet the thought wouldn't leave him alone.

After taking one more glance around the room Vader closed his eyes, wanting to focus. On your face, your voice, your presence. Anything that could allow him to just see you. To see you happy again and not in pain like the last time he saw you.

Breathing in deeply Vader could hear you better. After exhaling he began to see an image form in his head. Slowly you became clearer and clearer. Then it felt as if you were right in front of him, singing.

"Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes."

That's when he noticed what you were singing to. A small bundle rested in your arms. A baby.

"Rest your head close to my heart," you sang, bringing the baby closer to your heart. "Never to part, baby of mine."

Instantly it reminded Vader of all the times you sang him that song. Bringing back memories he forgot were there. 

~pov change~

You weren't sure how but you knew something was wrong. Something had happened to Anakin today and you had to check on him.

The two of you were still getting adjusted to your new life. You were now living on a city based planet instead of the desert you grew up on.

A while back, a Jedi by the name of Qui-Gon Jinn had found you and Anakin. He took Anakin to be trained in the ways of the force. You on the other hand weren't force sensitive, but you did get to come along. It was either you or your mother and she made sure you'd be the one to be freed of slavery.

Things were much different here. You lived on your own, a request made by the Jedi council to try and reduce Anakin's already strong attachment to you. But you made sure to stay close enough to visit him.

No one knew you were visiting today.

You knocked on his door and clasped your hands behind your back as you waited. When he didn't open the door you knocked again. After hearing something you pressed your ear to the door.

"Please go away, Master."

"Last I checked I wasn't your Master," you called through the door.

You could hear him scrambling about, trying to get to the door. When it opened you saw Anakin's face stained with tears.

His arms flung around you as he started to cry. You scooped him up as best as you could and brought him back inside, closing the door behind you.

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