Make A Move/Ahsoka

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As you entered into the new atmosphere, the gunship you were in shook violently. You stumbled about, bumping into your Master's side and almost collapsing on top of your Commander before he caught you.

"You alright there?" Commander Wolffe asked.

"I'm fine," you replied, standing upright and grabbing hold of the handle above you.

"Is something on your mind little one? You seem distracted," your Master casually stated.

"I'm just a little anxious to see Ahsoka again. It's been a while."

You heard a low chuckle from behind you, "You mean your girlfriend?"

Glaring, you harshly elbowed Wolffe in the gut. He let out a pained groan as you turned back to your Master, "I won't let it distract me from the mission at hand Master, I promise."

Master Plo Koon replied with a simple nod.

Turning to face to doors, you could feel the gunship landing. The doors opened to reveal General Skywalker in the midst of battle, Ahsoka by his side and their troopers behind them.

They were badly outnumbered and surrounded, leaving no room to retreat. Their men were dropping left and right. Even with your help, there was no way you could win this battle. It was a lost cause. The best you could do was help the remaining troopers get back to safety.

Your Master jumped out of the gunship, igniting his lightsaber. You followed behind him, deflecting any shot that came your way as Master Plo directed the clones on what to do.

Once they were in position, you moved forward with your lightsaber at the ready. After giving it a few swings, you charged forward, taking out multiple droids with one swift slice. You smirked to yourself as you continued slicing the droids in half.

"Don't get too cocky now," Wolffe called from beside you.

"I learned it from you," you quipped back as you cut the head off a droid.

"I was gonna take that one out!"

"You weren't fast enough," you grinned, running ahead of him.

"Still can't believe they've not gotten themselves killed yet," he grumbled.

Continuing forward, you eventually found yourself between Anakin and Ahsoka. Both were clearly tired from the battle. Their lightsaber swings no longer precise and sharp, but rather sloppy.

"Need some help getting out of here?" you called over the blaster fire.

Anakin turned in surprise at your sudden appearance.

"Well? Do you wanna get out of here or not?"

"I'd love nothing more," he said, redirecting a shot to a droid. "Ahsoka! Come on."

"Just a second Master," she yelled back, taking a second glance after seeing you.

Her face lit up upon seeing you, shooting you a smile that made your heart flutter. You fought against the feeling, knowing there was no time for it in the midst of battle but a blush still managed its way onto your cheeks.

Unbeknownst to you, Anakin was looking between the two of you in suspicion. He recognized that look you were sharing.

His thoughts broke as Ahsoka came running in your direction. You signaled for her and Anakin to head to the ships.

"Go get your men, I'll keep you covered!"

Slowly, you moved back to the ship, deflecting shots as you did. Sparing a moment to glance about you found just about everyone safely boarded on a ship and leaving. You deflected a few more shots before taking your chance and sprinting to the last gunship still on the ground.

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