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Fourteen Years Later...

Spy dragged her tail around the small garden of white daisies and lotuses, periodically lifting her tail to feel the soft petals. She watches the children chase each other's tails and play tag as they tried to hide behind the flowers. Spy never had kids of her own, nor did she adopt, and now seemed to be too late.

The children that were taken from their original families were already adopted by other members, leaving her with nobody to care for but herself. The evening sun later yielded itself to the moon, and so the playful children began to make their ways inside the newly refurbished headquarters.

Instead of being a tall building, the stone boulders from the battle remained where they rested, acting as a monument for children and adolescents to look at. Some of the stones were sculpted to look like a paw rising from the ground, and the details were immaculate with the creases of the paw pad and the digits.

The entrance was a stone arch that at least twice the height of Spy; inside was illuminated with colorful lanterns, the makeshift masks and helmets of the assassins hanging on the walls for children to gaze upon, and a throne of stone and some colored lanterns stood near the end of the room. This was the throne room, which was at the bottom. There were three levels, the highest being where children and all of the other tribe members rested in comfortable beds; the second level being where the assassins, medics, and tanks mostly resided with their children, the throne room being Martinez's resting place.

Spy watched how both Junior and Max grew up. The two boys were now in their late teens, often assisting their mother with some tasks such as cleaning the throne room or listening to her stories of her past.

Tonight was a peaceful night in the throne room, only the lanterns that lit a blue hue remained on, giving the illusion of the throne room being like the sky. No one else was in the room but Spy, who was organizing the books that fell from the bookshelves. There was a shelf too high for her to reach, but she tried to get the book back in its place.

Then, a paw grabbed the book out of her paw and put it back on the higher shelf. Spy looked to her right. "Thank you, Pride," she smiles, "aren't you supposed to be in bed, though?"

Pride was Bene's daughter, and she kept her same blonde hair from when she was young. Now, she was taller and often wore her mother's sweater which was too big for her. "I'm not really that tired," she says, "and I wanted to do something. You know, make myself useful."

Spy chuckled, pushing the last book into an open space on the shelf. "I remember when I first saw you," she began, "Bene carried you and said that she wanted to be a mother."

"Really?" Pride tilts her head a bit, "Because she told me that she saved me from some crazy lady that wanted to kill me."

"It's true," Spy nods, "how did you think Junior and Max got here, too?"

"I thought they were rogue," Pride shrugs, "also, Spy, I'm worried about my aunt."

"Which one? There's plenty of us," Spy says.

"Purple. She's been more lethargic lately and more tired," she says as she saunters with Spy toward the entrance, "It was like she was normal for one day, and then all of a sudden, she's more tired than normal." She stops to gaze at the sky.

"I noticed also," Spy nods, "Purple has a story not all of us know about, and she's so rigid and stubborn about telling anyone."

"How come?"

"Even I don't know," Spy sighs, "If she is willing to tell us herself, she will do so. For now, it's best if we wait."

For a moment, Pride gazes at the stars in the sky. "You know, Spy," she looks at her, "Valarie told me that you were with an old tribe once. I forgot what it was called."

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