The Orphanage of Hell

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"Huh?!" Bene's jaw dropped.

"I don't recall you being apart of our tribe," Spy points out.

"I was never apart of a tribe ever since I was in the damned orphanage," Martinez told her, "She was the last Human I saw before the orphanage burned down."

"Story time, huh?" Bene jokingly asked.

"We are rather interested," chimed in Spy.

Martinez grabs a stool to sit down on. "Then I advise you all to have a seat."

Spy sits on the floor, Bene sits on the countertop still tending to her wounds.

Martinez takes a deep breath before saying, "I spent my whole life in that orphanage. My parents? They never loved me, so I was damned from the start—anyway, it was weeks after my fifteenth birthday when another girl was brought in. Days later, I hear a fire alarm go off, I see her run off with a knife in her paw. It was unknown as to what caused the fire, but I knew I had to warn my friends, and I did. One of them, well, I saw her body go limp. My eyes were filled with tears, but I knew I had to move on and get out of there. We were all separated since."

Bene sighs, "I remember that fire," she says, opening her white eyes.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Spy's ears lowered.

"That tyrant you call a leader is responsible for killing my friend, so I think it's time I settle this." Martinez grabs her dagger.

"Don't you mean 'we'?" Bene says.

"No," Martinez responds, "I have to do this on my own."

"The Sages are more powerful than you think, Martinez," Spy warns, "Mainly Sandy. She's been getting more and more strong over the years."

For once, Martinez had to think about that. Martinez knew what Sandy could do, and the memory of the orphanage burning down was etched into her mind. The person who caused the flames remained unknown, but Martinez was convinced that Sandy was the culprit. "All right then," she stops in her tracks, "You guys can come, but stay close. I can't risk losing more than what I've already lost."

Under Spy's face mask was a smile.

First things first, they had to find more allies. What better way to find them is to go back in time—the orphanage was a good place to start.

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