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"What happened?" Bene examines Martinez's bug bite, "Let me guess, one to those mosquitoes bit you?"

"This is not an ordinary mosquito bite," Spy states, "She might be sick. We have to get her somewhere before she dies!"

"You're overthinking it," Martinez stands up, "I'll be fine."

"I take it you've never been bit by a bug before," Spy crosses her arms, "The mosquitoes that lurk around here are dangerous! They carry diseases like malaria!"

"I said I'll be fine," Martinez tries to walk, but falls on her face.

Bene quietly chuckles, then helps Martinez up. "I ain't no doctor, but it looks like you have something." Bene says.

Spy put her paw on Martinez's forehead. It was very, very hot. "This is more than just a fever," she told her.

"No shit, I'm burning up," Martinez grumpily snarls.

"What are your symptoms?" Spy wanted to be a medic during her time with The Sages, and she had spent a lot of time with the one medic who knew a lot about the Human Body. She was trying her best.

Martinez began, "I'm exhausted, my shoulders are stiff, my head hurts, and it feels weird to walk because my legs feel wobbly."

Spy nods. She then quickly crawls up Martinez's back, stroking her shoulders, "Where does it feel stiff?"

"It feels stiff all over! How is this helpful?!" Martinez roars, then turning into coughs.

"Just leave her alone, Spy," Bene said, "I wouldn't get on her nerves too much."

Spy sighs, crawling down and landing on the ground.

"Since all of you are concerned about me being sick, I guess we'll have to find someone that'll help us," Martinez coughs.

"We can always gather herbs," Spy suggests, "I can grind them up, and put it in some water."

"I'm not too fond of tea," she utters, "I'd rather drink poison than tea." Martinez had a great distaste for tea.

"Well, you gotta have something for that cough," Bene says, and she was right.

Martinez sighs, for later that morning she began to feel worse. The blazing hours of the sun were beating her down, to a point where she threw up a couple of times. The most recent of them all was when she saw red stuff in the chunks of vomit. They needed to hurry.

Bene carried her despite her aching arm. For the hours to come, Martinez kept on groaning in pain. This never bothered Bene though. "The hell is that in the distance?" She squints.

Martinez groggily looks up. There stood a den with a sign that was too far away to read.

"This may be our chance," said Spy, "but we must be careful. Who knows how aggressive they might be?"

"I mean, it's the last chance we have I guess," Bene shrugs.

As they approach closer to the den, the sign became more clearer.

It read:

Welcome to the Runaways' Residence! Any one of origin, creed, or any other character is welcomed here with open arms! If any rule is broken or crossed, you will be asked to leave and never come back, that is up to our discretion though. Have a grand time!

    ⁃    The Runaways

Bene laughs a bit, "They can't be serious, right?"

"This is our only hope of curing Martinez's illness," Spy points out, "Knock on the door and we shall wait."

"Why do I have to do it?" Bene cocks an eyebrow, "You're right next to the door!"

Spy was a shy person who never liked social interaction, but she didn't have an exact answer for why she couldn't answer the door herself, so she did.

A gigantic boy answers the door. He had fair skin, brown eyes, black hair, dark brown hooves, a cracked horn, and a black jacket. "Guest?" He says in a questioning manner.

"Yeah, you can say that," Bene told him, "Look buddy, our friend's sick. Some mosquito bit her or something."

"Come, come," he says, stepping out of the way, gesturing them to come inside.

Inside the den was a wall of bottles with liquid inside, weaponry that looked dull and useless, and a lot of teenage boys were staring at the three girls. Curious, the boys walked over to the girls and began to ask them questions such as, "How did you find us?" And "What are you here for?" Until another boy steps out of the darkness. He looked very familiar, as his drooling mouth as distinct as his hazel eyes. Martinez looks up, her eyes droopy. It was then she fainted.

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