Chapter 22

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Bree sat by the island in the kitchen as she watched Anna move around, the older woman walked up to the fridge and opened it. She pulled out a jug containing human blood and she grabbed a glass and turned to Bree who looked at her nervously. Bree quickly backed away when the scent of human blood hit her from the jug, she looked to the side to keep herself under control.

Anna smirked at this. Wordlessly, she placed the glass on the island and poured the blood into it from the jug. The sound of pouring blood drove Bree crazy and she breathed heavily and she squeezed her arms tightly, she kept her mouth shut until it was just a tight line.

"Would you like a drink?" Anna asked pushing the glass toward her.

Bree was obviously not falling for it, she wanted to be better and not be a monster. Which is why she glared at Anna, the older woman merely looked at her before grabbing the glass and downed the contents in one swift take.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Bree asked covering her nose.

"Teaching you restraint." Anna said before pouring blood into the glass again.

Then she moved the glass to the center of the island and stood back.

"Let's see how much longer you'll be able to resist." Anna smiled.

They heard footsteps and they both turned to see André walk in, he stopped when he saw the glass of blood on the island and Bree looking at it hungrily.

"What are you doing?" André asked looking at his mother.

"Just a little lesson on self control." Anna said turning her back to Bree as she addressed her son.

"Do you really have to be doing this now?" André asked with a frown.

"Don't forget, André. You asked me to help her and that's what I'm doing." Anna said leaning against the island. "She won't learn unless you keep exposing her to human blood, until she learns tolerance no human is safe."

Bree jumped forward and tried to grab the glass but Anna heard her and quickly turned and grabbed the glass before she could, then proceeded to pin the girl to the island.

"Nice try." Anna said looking down at the girl.

"Its not fair!" Bree exclaimed.

"Give yourself some credit. You lasted much longer this time." Anna said looking at the glass in her hand.

Bree struggled under Anna's grip but she couldn't move, the older woman was far stronger than her and it felt weird since Newborns were stronger.

"I think she's had enough." André said with crossed arms.

Anna smiled before lifting Bree in the air and made her stand on the floor again, the girl smoothed out her clothes as she looked up at the older woman.

"Take the girl hunting for a deer. That's her punishment for failing this experiment." Anna said before sipping the blood in the glass.

"Come on, Bree." André said and the girl reluctantly followed him out of the kitchen.

Bree and André walked out the front door and they saw Sebastian busy changing the tire on his Aston Martin, Julie was a few feet away reading a magazine on the porch couch.

"Where are you guys off to?" Julie asked without looking up.

"Hunting." Bree replied.

"Let me guess; Anna punished you." Sebastian asked with a smile as he pulled the tire out of the car.

"She hates me." Bree said with a frown.

"She doesn't hate you. She'll start warming up to you once your Newborn phase is over." Julie reassured.

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