Chapter 11

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Bella was in her prom dress, in her room. Her leg had recovered enough for her to go to prom, but she had a slight limp that didn't look obvious if you ignored it. André stood at the end of her room and she watched him silently, he didn't say a word and he didn't know what to say.

"'re a vampire?" she finally broke the silence.

"Yeah...." he said softly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, it was a genuine question and she wasn't mad.

"Its complicated." he said not looking at her. "I didn't want to tell you because of what you might think of me, I didn't want things to change between us. You're my best friend, Bella."

"And you're my best friend, André. Nothing could change that, heck how can you even think that?" she said getting to her feet.

"I wanted to tell you. But after you found out about the Cullens, I wanted to wait a bit more until the shock of the Cullens subsided." André said looking at her for the first time. "But then James happened and I was forced to protect you."

"I'm sorry." Bella said feeling guilty for making him feel that way.

"Dont be sorry. Its not your fault." he said.

"Does that make Anna and your siblings vampires too?" Bella asked.

"Yeah. But we're Strigoi, we're a different species compared to the Cullens or the Volturi." André said crossing his arms with a sigh.

"You mean the shadowy smoke stuff you produce from your body? That's creepy by the way." she said with a smirk.

"Something like that. But we also have retractable fangs, they don't. Plus the sharper claws that are retractable as well." André said with a nod.

"How does Anna know Carlisle?" Bella asked.

"I think you should ask her that yourself." André said kissing her forehead. "Let's go. Your dad and Edward are waiting for us downstairs."

"Okay. But you're telling me everything after prom night." Bella said looping her arm through his as they made their way to the door.

"Deal." he said as they went downstairs.

They slowly walked down one step at a time, he didn't want her to slip and fall down and get a new injury again. He heard Edward and Charlie get up from their chairs in the living room, he saw them at the base of the stairs and they made their way to the bottom and looked at them.

"Alice said the blue dress was perfect." Bella said awkwardly.

"You're beautiful." Edward said and Charlie looked at him weirdly.

"So, where's your date?" Charlie asked André.

"I'll be picking her up at her house after this." André said before guiding Bella carefully to Edward's side. "Speaking of which, I need to go now before she thinks I'll be late."

André made his way toward the door and made his way out, he felt Charlie pat his shoulder as he walked out. He turned to smile at the older man before heading out, he walked down the porch steps and made his way toward the black Aston Martin.

Sebastian was mad at him for taking the car all the way to Phoenix without his permission but André explained that Bella's life was in danger and they needed something fast. Sebastian eased up at that but still banned him from using his car again, he only made prom night an exception for him. Anna responded by saying she would get André his own car to shut down the unnecessary fights, it apparently gave her a headache which is unlikely in their case.

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