Chapter 10

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The two cars came to a stop in front of Bella's house, Alice winced when she saw Edward and Bella arguing in the car before she climbed out and slammed the door shut. André looked at Alice and smiled at her for a moment before opening the car, he climbed out and caught up to his friend as they walked toward the front door.

"What do I tell my dad?" she asked.

"Let me do the talking." André said as they came up to the porch.

Bella nodded before opening the door, she walked in and André followed and they found Charlie on the couch watching a game on tv. He turned to look at them as he heard them come in, André looked a bit nervous now.

"Hey, how was baseball?" he asked.

"It was great." Bella said before looking toward the stairs. "I'm just getting some of my stuff."

André slapped her arm for what she said and gave her a "what the hell" look, she silently threw around gestures in argument. Charlie then got up and turned to them quickly.

"Whoa, whoa. Where are you going?" he asked.

"I can explain." André said quickly and Charlie turned to him expectantly. "I was wondering if Bella could come spend the night at my place, with your permission of course."

"Uh...." Charlie said frowning a bit.

Bella took that time to go upstairs to go grab her stuff.

"It was my mom's idea, I know its crazy." André faked a laugh. "But she thought Bella could stay over since its been years since she last saw her. Plus, we got pizza on speed dial and she doesn't want Bella to come after the pizza arrives."

"Well, in that case....." Charlie said with raised eyebrows. "Great. I guess."

Bella came running down the stairs and made her way toward the door, André opened and they starter to leave.

"Great. I'll let her know." André said.

"Wait.....!" Charlie said.

"Bye dad." Bella said quickly before closing the door.

"I wanted pizza." Charlie said a little sadly before making his way back to the couch.

Bella and André walked out and she slapped his arm and he shoved her lightly in return.

"I can't believe I lied to my dad!" Bella exclaimed making her way to the Jeep where Edward was waiting.

"It was hard for me, I did the talking." he yelled toward her before opening the door to his Aston Martin.

They both got in and Edward started the jeep and took off down the road, André started the car and sped down the road as well.

"What did you tell Charlie?" Alice asked.

"A lie, Alice. A lie." André said feeling guilty, he didn't like lying to him.

The cars made their way through the wooded road, until they turned off down another small road that led to the Cullen's house.

"We'll separate with the others once we're inside." Alice said putting on a jacket.

"And throw him off her scent. Got it." André said figuring out what she meant.

They all came to a stop and made their way into the house and entered the garage.

"I've fought their kind before, they're hard to kill." Jasper said.

"But not impossible. We'll tear him apart and burn the pieces." Emmett said ruthlessly.

"I dont relish the thought of killing another creature. Even a sadistic one like James." Carlisle said somberly.

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