Chapter 3

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The first few classes were fine for André as he was homeschooled at home and he was well kept up with everything, it didn't take him long to fit into the routine.

He made his way into the cafeteria and grabbed a tray from the pile that was stacked ontop of each other, he made his way to the food station and simply grabbed an apple and some bottled water. He then turned and looked for a place to sit, he looked around until he found Bella sitting by a table with two girls and two other guys. A guy pulled up and gave Bella a kiss on the cheek before raking off, one of the guys from the table chased after him.

André recognized one of the girls as Angela Weber, the girl he met earlier that day. The other girl he had yet to meet, he slowly made his way toward the table with a slight swagger. They all looked up as they noticed him approaching, Angela went red in the face when she saw him and Jessica's eyes widened as if she had just seen an angel.

"Yo, yo!" he said taking a seat between Bella and Jessica with a smile.

"Yo." the guy replied.

"Hi." Jessica smiled.

"Hey." Angela said.

"Yo, Bella. You gonna introduce me to your group? Or do I gotta do the honors like I always do." André smirked in Bella's direction.

"Shut up!" Bella said in a mutter before shoving him playfully.

André simply laughed before wrapping an arm around her shoulder, much to the surprise of the two girls and to the annoyance of the guy.

"Guys, this is André. He is my childhood friend from Arizona." Bella said gesturing toward him.

"Her only friend." André smiled with a shrug.

Bella slapped his chest and he mocked a pained gasp.

"Idiot friend, these are my friends. Eric, Jessica and Angela, the guy that ran off was Mike."

"Idiot friend? You gonna do me like that?" he said crossing his arms with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"You started it." Bella smiled.

"Wow. This is the first time I've seen Bella genuinely smile like that." Jessica commented.

"Yeah. I kinda have that affect on her." André said glancing at his friend who was glaring daggers at him.

"Wait, so you guys didn't come to Forks together?" Angela asked.

"Nah, I didn't even know she was going to be here." André said looking at Angela.

"Plus, he kinda moved to Vancouver after he turned 14. I was 13 at the time." Bella said picking at her food.

"Nice." Eric said with a nod. "Hey. I like your hairstyle, André. Cornrows are awesome."

"Yeah. As a black guy, its kinda hard to maintain hair as long as mine." André said running a hand over his cornrow braids. "The constant styling, braiding and shaping. It gets tiring after awhile."

"Welcome to a girl's world." Jessica said with a chuckle.

"Why didn't you just cut it?" Bella asked curiously.

André did a mock gasp and clutched his chest.

"My babies? Never!"

Angela giggled at this, Eric and Jessica joined her after a second and Bella softly laughed and wished the ground would swallow her up to spare her from further embarrassment.

"Nice ring." Angela said pointing toward a ring on André's pinkie finger.

André looked at the ring on his pinky and smiled.

Twilight: The Shadowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें