Chapter 8

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A blue BMW I8 came to a stop in the parking lot, Julie parked next to Bella's truck and turned to look at her brother. André looked up as the students gawked and looked surprised by the beautiful BMW, his sister killed the ignition and sighed.

"I'm sorry you couldn't use Seb's car today." she said.

"Its alright." André said with a chuckle. "Thanks for the ride, sis."

"Yeah. No problem." Julie said before she noticed the Cullens pulling into the parking lot as well. "The Cullens, I presume?"

"Yup." he replied.

"Who's he?" Julie asked looking at a specific Cullen.

André looked up and followed her gaze toward Jasper, the Cullen was also staring in their direction as well. Julie looked at him with a slight smirk on her lips, the Cullen merely frowned before he blinked and walked away.

"He is cute." Julie smiled.

"Ew, no!" André said holding up a hand.

"What? Its true." she chuckled.

"You know what, I'm going. Have a nice day, sis." he said quickly climbing out of the car to avoid the conversation.

"Love you." she called out as he closed the door.

"Love you too. Bye!" he said walking off.

Julie smiled before starting her car before pulling out and driving away, André watched her go before heading toward the school.


The day went by quickly as André made his way to his locker and put his books in, he closed it before walking down the hallway. Then he saw a group of students run through the halls with phones in their hands, Angela sped past him but he quickly stopped her.

"What's going on?" he asked her.

"Bella got hit in the parking lot by a car." she replied before taking off.

André froze at this before bolting down the hall, pushing everyone aside as he made his way toward the exit. He came out at the exit and saw an ambulance leaving, the students watched it leave before André glanced toward the Bella's red truck that was still parked. He quickly ran up to it before he opened the door, he climbed in and saw the key inside and he grabbed it before starting it and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Fuck!" he said slamming hus hands in the steering wheel. "Please be okay."


André ran through the halls of the hospital before going up in a elevator, once he got off the floor he wanted, he made his way down another hall. Then he saw Rosalie and Edward arguing a few feet away, he slowly approached them and they noticed him and both turned to acknowledge him.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Idiot here, thought it would be a good idea to implicate us!" Rosalie said glaring at Edward.

"I couldn't let her get hit, Rose." Edward said calmly, trying to soothe his sister's rising anger.

"Is she okay?" André asked getting closer.

"Yeah. She's fine, I got to her before the van could hit her." Edward reassured.

"Oh, thank god!" André said running his hand through his braided head in relief as he turned away from them.

"I'm glad she's fine, really. But what about our situation? Its not safe." Rosalie said not defusing the situation.

"She'll start to ask questions. Rosalie is right." André admitted.

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