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Simone is dragging me through the crowd with unexpected force and she won't stop even when I'm screaming at her to tell me what is happening. Suddenly we're outside and I understand. Three police cars are stranded outside of Yves house, that's when I start to notice people running.  

We're not in America so I don't really get all the fuss, then again I remember this is a small town and underage drinking isn't a good look, especially because everyone knows each other and my school would be informed. Annick did tell me that the police was really annoying, they have nothing to do so they jump on every occasion. My parents know that I drink and party, I got it from them but they would kill me if I got arrested, so I start to run.

Thank god for the alcohol because otherwise I would feel too silly to run through the streets of Roussillon like a savage. I don't even know what time it is, or how long I was at that house, but when I look up after my 5 second break to catch a breath, Simone is nowhere to be found. 

Did this girl just drop me? Or do I run really slow? It might be a little bit of both. I'm pretty sure she enjoys sport and only smokes at parties, could never be me. I hear a faint police siren approaching so I quickly shove myself in the creepiest darkest alley I see. 

I have never been here, I look around and see big, tall houses, or should I say mansions. I'm afraid I've stumbled upon the rich side of Roussillon. In the dark I figure out that at the end of the creepy street, a forest starts. I thinks it's the same forest that I could see from Yves garden. 

For a few seconds I try to figure out where I am with this clue but I quickly give up, my sense of direction is absolutely useless. I might just have to stay in the streets until the sun comes up. I settle on walking to the forest, it doesn't look that creepy. Fuck it, I'll go. 

To make me feel better I tell myself that this town is so small that if I get assaulted I'll be able to find the suspect in no time, that is if I survive. Don't think about it, just walk. I hear the nightlife of the forest around me, luckily the moon shines it's light through the trees and I find myself next to a small water fall, a small river forming underneath it. I follow the small river and after some time I see a field through the bushes, on top of the fields is a house. Yves house.

There are some lights on in the house but no police anymore, his parents are going to kill him. I'm speechless from the view, and I can't believe I found my way all the way back here. I step out a little more into the field to take in the night view, I love how the big mansions are hidden between the trees, the fields surrounding it, creating an unusual neighbourhood.

Something catches my eye, a trail through the field, if it weren't for the moonlight I would've never seen it. I get an intense flashback from Descamps and the blonde girl walking through this exact trail. It feels like that was weeks ago, even though it was only a few hours. 

I haven't stopped replaying our kiss in my head, the whole tequila shot thing was such a good move, I'm so proud of myself. Giggling to myself like the stupid girl I am I don't seem to notice that I have started walking on the trail. If I were sober I would be having a mental breakdown right now because I am alone and lost. But weirdly enough I am enjoying this, a little adventure in my life, the girls will never believe me. 

I come face to face with a fence. Wait what? I look back to the field, it's not very far. I look back at the fence, then at the huge house that sits behind it. It's not the same as the others, sure it is as big but it has a different aura, a creepy aura. I walk around the fence looking at the big garden that reaches to a lake? There is a lake in my village and I didn't even know? Nice.

I'm now walking to the lake and I can't keep myself from laughing at how stupid it is what I'm doing, like go home? I get to the lake and I don't get to appreciate the beauty of it because suddenly a light goes on, blinding me. Oh that can't be good. 

I cover my eyes from the light that seems to get closer, fuck it's a flashlight. I start to panic and make a run for it, hoping I had stayed in the forest. It feels like a horror movie because when I run the light seems to follow me, keep in mind, I don't run.

After exactly five seconds of sprinting an arm wraps around my waist but I don't get to scream.

"Please don't scream" 

And that's all I need to hear because I immediately recognise his voice, and his touch suddenly feels familiar and I could cry out of relief.  He lets go of me.

"Listen our kiss was hot, and you're hot, but coming to my house is really a bit too much. I'm actually starting to believe that you're obsessed with me, there's nothing wrong with that! It's just I'm starting to get scared- 

"Oh shut up you moron I didn't know this was your house, I'm lost!"

He points the flashlight in his face, to show me that he thinks I'm full of shit.

"Right so it's a total coincidence that we keep running into each other, at night, in creepy places.."

"Well yes, Joseph it looks like it is! For some reason the universe keeps bringing us back together-

"Boringggg, so what are you doing here?"

I look at him, what the fuck? He's probably still drunk like me, I have to laugh, he is so unserious all the time it blows my mind. I hit him in his stomach, he groans.

"I told you, I'm lost, we ran from the police and one thing led to another and now I'm here, what are you doing here?"

"I told you, this is my house, I was trying to enjoy a cigarette when I heard someone laughing and talking to themselves, I was naturally very creeped out but because I'm a man I came to look for myself and, yeah, I don't know if I'm relieved to find out it's you."

"Oh please,  I'm not stalking you, I have better things to do with my life." 

He points the light back to his face and narrows his eye "Sure creep, so how are you getting home?"

"Well, I was planning on walking around town until the sun rises so I can find my way back home"

He bursts out laughing. I can't even blame him, it does sound really stupid and weird. 

"I could show you where to go"

I clap my hands excitedly "Yes!!! Please!!"

"But I'm sooo tired, sorry" He says while he starts to walk off.

"What?! No! You can't leave me alone here, I'll die!"

"Oh I'm sure you'll be fine" I run after him and grab his arm with all my strength turning him to face me. 

"You are either walking me back to my house or you let me sleep at your house but you are NOT leaving me here"

He smiles "Ugh I thought you'd never ask, come with me" He puts his hand on my back guiding me to his garden. I guess he went for the second option. I try my best to hide my excited smile.

I knew this adventure would bring me something good.

Hate is a strong feeling - Joseph DescampsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora