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I have officially finished my first week! It was, different, to say the least, than what I expected but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It will never be as good as my old school and old life but I have to admit, I get to be a pick me and nobody says anything about it.

I mean come on, you gotta do what you gotta do. At least I'm being honest about it. Tonight we are going out with the girls to celebrate the end of the week and the beginning of friendships. We're even friends with Annick now, she just had to let her wild side out, she's actually really fun. In the back of my mind a little voice keeps whispering to me that tomorrow will be very strange seeing as Descamps will be at my house. I still have to figure out how I'm going to announce it to my parents. 

five hours later

I honestly don't know how I made it back to my house. My vision is weak and I can barely walk, I have to calm down before facing my parents. I throw myself in the garden and smoke a cigarette before going in, I always hope it sobers me down but I honestly think it only makes it worse, because it's when you're alone and sat, that you realise how drunk you are. The realisation is hitting me now. After what feels like seven seconds, I throw my cigarette bud in my neighbours bushes and prepare myself for what's about to come at me. 

"Mmheyyyy!" Oh shit that did not sound sober.

"Hi sweetie, did you have fun?" If only she knew, I giggle to myself. "Yeah such a great time, I'm going to bed I'm so tired" I run up the stairs so she doesn't see me and I almost fall down. As I make my way to my room I faintly hear my mom yelling something about a shopping spree week-end for the last touch ups of the house and her telling me she won't be there to wake me up and not sleep in until four. 

"Yeah, yeah whatever you said" I don't even say it loud enough for her to say and it's not like I even remember what she told me. I violently crash into my bed and spend the first few hours trying not to throw up before I finally dose off into a deep sleep, exhausted from my first week and the girls night. 

13 hours later 

Loud noise, very loud noise, like someone banging, on a door. I open one eye, the sun is shining in my room, I'm in my top from yesterday evening and my pants seem to have disappeared. What is that noise? It keeps going, and it's so loud, did my parents forget the keys? I grab the first pair of pyjama shorts that I see and run out my room. My whole body aches and my head feels like it's about to explode. I finally reach the door and throw it open " I'm here! Why do you need to make so much noise mom!" I scream. I look up. That is not my mom.

I just stare at him baffled. First he doesn't say or do anything, then he completely loses his shit and bursts out laughing, like I have never heard before. I look at the clock in the hallway  15:13. Right. 

"I don't even know where to start" he says still laughing. I groan because he's making way too much noise. "Trust me, me neither" I don't even want to let my brain process what is happening as I look down at my body. 

First of all, my feet are exposed, do I need to say more? I'm wearing the tiniest shorts that exist, my top is completely rolled up making it look like a bra, and my hair. Oh god my hair I don't even want to think about it. I quickly roll down my shirt and try to tame the beast that is sitting on top of my head. 

Hate is a strong feeling - Joseph DescampsWhere stories live. Discover now