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I already hate it here.

No I'm being dramatic, but yes I do already hate it here. 

I can't believe we moved, I have still not forgiven my parents since it happened. It's because they caught me by surprise, Summer break had just started and I was ready to party for two months, but my parents had other plans for me. Sure, I'll admit it, we're not even that far from the place I grew up, so why did we need to move at all?!

 I can only see my friends in the weekend now, with a bus that takes four hours in total to go to my city. That is also something I don't understand, we used to live in the city, it was amazing, there was always something happening, now I'm stuck in a tiny little village where apparently everybody knows each other, I do have to admit, my house is twice the size from the last one, that's hot, but still!!! Not happy with the situation.

 I'm almost done with complaining but I seem to have almost forgotten the real problem. I am going to a school with boys. Boys!? I have spent 18 years of my life surrounded by girls and it was fine, it was nice, constant feminine energy and boys were only to make out with. Now I'll have to be surrounded by them constantly, have gym class with them! God please kill me.

 Tomorrow is my first day and I have been dreading it, praying that a fire would destroy my soon to be new school. I walk down the stairs quietly, my parents are sitting in the living room, talking over some tea, I slip myself out the back door and quietly close it. My parents know I smoke, but it's still embarrassing to admit it, as I sit down on the pretty white bench in my garden I light up my cigarette and look at the breathtaking view we have.

 The village where I now live is called Roussillion, it's one of those typical French villages on a mountain. I have already lost a few pounds since we moved in here, my house is one of the houses that sit on top, so even though I die every time I get home, the view makes it a little worth it. 

Every time I think I feel happy or confortable in this new house or new town, my mind goes back to my friends, my old house, the supermarket I used to go, my favorite teacher, why did no one tell me moving would be so hard. I take a last hit from my cigarette and go up to my room to get ready for bed, I'm so not ready for tomorrow, I think to myself. I end up not sleeping at all that night, with only three things on my mind; will I make friends? Will I get bullied? And the most important of all, will there be any hotties? 

Hate is a strong feeling - Joseph DescampsWhere stories live. Discover now