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Disclaimer: this is what Yves looks like, he's not his actual friend in the show, I think, but you know I add my little touch. 

I'm too drunk for a Wednesday 

I don't know how long I've been here at this point. Everyone is dancing, signing and drunk. I honestly don't think I've felt this happy since I knew I would be moving. 

I need to stop thinking about this or I will start to cry, it's inevitable. 

I've said some embarrassing things to Jean-Pierre, Alain and Michelle who by the way are making out somewhere in the forest. I had the unfortunate experience of stumbling upon them while trying to fight the branches. I was just trying to find somewhere to pee, but they laughed about it so it wasn't that bad. 

Simone hasn't left Jean-Pierre's side and I must admit, they are too good together. It's angering how easy it was for them. I seriously think the universe doesn't want me to have a boyfriend. When I heard I would be going to an all boys school, apart from the crying, I had a spark of hope that I would at least meet someone. I thought that there would at least be one guy. 

Ok I also need to stop thinking about that or I'm going to cry. 

I've been standing, next to the garbage, for too much time so I go to the drinking table. If I'm going to be alone, might as well be drunk, or try to make friends. I arrive and spot his friend who I had met earlier. I walk up to him, he's standing on the table dancing and screaming. I make sure that the one who we shall not name isn't here so I can talk to him. 

"JANE" He screams before I get the chance to say a word. 

"YOU" I reply back. "Come up, dance with me" he says while he dances.

okay that's a little intense 

"I...  Uh.. don't know-

He takes my hand and literally lifts me off of the ground. So I'm forced to climb on the table to not fall back. I scan the area quickly and see no one sober in the crowd, I focus to make sure he isn't around. Even though that makes no sense because I hate him and don't care about him. But still, I check. When I decide it's safe and I won't embarrass myself even more, I start to dance.

"What's your name?" I scream so my dance partner can hear me.

"Yves" He smiles and takes my hands and dances with me.

 I'm impressed by his moves but I really don't trust him to catch me if I fall. I dance with him for some time but leave his side because I need to go pee, I didn't get the chance before and feel like I'm drunk enough to just go for it. With my friends back home, we always went on little adventures when we had to pee and it was the funniest part of the party.  Now that I'm doing it alone I'm not feeling as confident but if I don't go I will pee myself. 

I distance myself from the chaos happening around the bonfire and start to walk in the dark forest. I try to shield myself from the branches slapping me in the face but I need to go deeper to make sure no one is around. I would die if someone saw me peeing in the dark drunk as a cow. 

My body freezes when I suddenly hear branches breaking behind me, I can't even hear the shouting of the party anymore, no one should be this far except for me. Why do I smell smoke?

I turn around and manage to trip at the same time and feel myself fall to the ground. The ground that I never reach because someone is holding me. 

"Oh my god what the fuck" I start to squirm out of my potential attacker's arms and quickly stand up  backing away. 

Oh please tell me this isn't happening

In front of me, a tall frame stands high. His back blocks the moonlight so I can't see a glimpse of him but I already know.

He takes a drag form his cigarette "What the fuck are you doing Jane"

He knows my name? I don't even know his name. 

"What are you doing?" I say, because what is HE doing here?

"I asked you first" I smell the cloud of smoke being blown in my face

  A cigarette would be really nice now.

"If you want to know so badly, I was trying to pee, now you tell me."

"No" He rests his body on the tree behind him making the moonlight shine on his face.

That face. I'm too stunned to speak, by what I don't know, him, this situation, my bladder.

"I'll leave you to it, sweetie, wouldn't want to see your underwear again." He starts to walk away.

"Oh fuck you" I say, I can't believe him.

He laughs and turns around taking a step towards me. "I lost one eye because of you, be careful"

"I'm sorry about your eye but we both know I had nothing to do with it"

He blows his smoke in my face, once again, and takes one of my curls between his fingers playing with it. I don't like this, because for some reason I like how close he is to me and the fact I can smell his cologne 

" I choose to blame you Jane." He drops the curl and walks off.

He has his way with words because everything he says makes me angry like I have never been before. I can't say something back because I need him to leave so I can pee and process what the fuck just happened. His shadow disappears and I pray no one else is creepily lurking in the woods.

Then again,  only him could be doing weird shit like that. 

I'm  impressed when I find my way back  to the open space. To my disappointment the party died while I was gone, I can't find Jean-Pierre and Simone and Alain is no where to be seen. Great. It's all his fault, how does he always manage to ruin everything. I exit the park saying goodbye to some familiar faces and mentally prep myself for the hardest walk of my life. 

About thirty minutes in, my throat burns and I try to motivate myself to walk home and not fall asleep on a random bench. I hear a faint sound, music, coming from above one of the many hills I have to climb up, I hope I won't get attacked. 

As I discreetly arrive at the top of the hill I try to stifle the gasp that leaves my mouth. 

You have to be kidding me 

The red car, that tried to splash me a few hours back, and his owner.

I think I'm cursed

Hate is a strong feeling - Joseph DescampsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt