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I'm walking down the hill trying to figure out how I'm supposed to get home drunk, up that same hill. Then I decide that that will be an issue for an other time and that drunk Jane will do her best.

I had to lie to my parents about the bike, and the party. I feel a little bad but not that much, they were never going to let me go if I said it was a party. Besides I didn't entirely lie, I said I was going to see Simone, which is true. 

As I'm happily walking and taking in the scenery I hear a car and loud music approaching me from behind. This is not good. I look back and observe as a red expensive car races towards me, on board three guys, one with a brown eye patch. Now I know for a fact that there are not a lot of people in this village with only one eye, so I start to panic. I also see the huge puddle of water at my feet from when it rained two days ago and don't think twice. 

I shield myself behind one of the big trees surrounding me right as the car passes in the puddle creating a tsunami, that only slightly gets me. I run out of my hiding and scream "Suckers!!!!!!!" putting my two middle fingers up. 

Ok this might actually be a little fun, this war of pranks and revenge, why the hell should I be scared, he can't kill me! It's on.

My pleasant little walk ends as I arrive at the party. Or more so, what I thought would be the party, I'm met with a forest but I don't see anybody.

"Jane?" I look back and see Jean-Pierre, huh that's odd.

He walks up to me, "Jane? That's your name, right?" He says. I get lost in the absolute beauty of his features while I mumble something resembling a yes. If I'm not mistaken, Simone is flirting with Alain, could that maybe mean..I could shoot my shot? 

I guess we'll have to find out. 

"Are you good?" I snap back to reality and stutter a little. 

"Oh yes, yes sorry I'm perfectly good, I'm looking for this party I got invited to, I have no idea where it is, I actually just moved here-

"Okay Okay calm down, I'm going to the same party" He says chuckling, this is the first time I've seen him smile, what a gorgeous smile, what a gorgeous man. This is not fair how is he so pretty. 

"I'll take you" he says slowly walking away, waiting for me to follow him and I do exactly that. 

Along the way we chat a little, we speak about the incident, his sister, the store his family holds and I tell about myself, how it was to move here and my experience in the new school. I look around and I can't help myself from falling in love a little more each day with this place, the nature is incomparable. The way the light slowly leaves to let the night take place but it is still hot outside and every animal in the forest is heard. I love a good summer night.

I actually think I'm starting to like this place, well except of course for-

No this is getting out of hand, why is he everywhere. 

He's standing with his two stupid friends smoking a cigarette and taking sips out of his cup. As I'm closer I get the chance to look at him a little more and I see his brown eye-patch.

 I absolutely hate to admit it but  it suits him well, like really well. It goes with his dark scary cold look, making him even scarier. 

I look around and observe the crowd. There is a big bonfire in the middle of the open space in the forest, music is blasting and people are dancing, drinking and talking. 

"This doesn't look too bad" I say, Jean-Pierre looks down to me and laughs

"Sorry we can't compete with your big city fancy parties"

"You're forgiven" I say giving him a cheeky smile and I walk to the table to get a drink, he follows me. 

I'm pouring myself a nice little mix when I feel it, that I feeling I'm starting to get used to at this point, I look at him without any shame and sip my drink, I make sure to look him up and down and pulling my most disgusting face so he knows I'm not convinced, and without looking back at his face, I continue my conversation with Jean-Pierre and Simone who has joined us. 

I can't  see Alain, I guess she ditched him, but I do see that flirty smile she has while speaking to Jean-Pierre. I knew she wasn't over him, but I'm glad, I feel like they have something that matches, something I don't have with him. 

I start to walk around leaving Simone alone with Jean-Pierre, like the good friend I am. I guess I'll have to talk to some people, that is after all the whole point of this party. For me at least. 

I bump into someone's shoulder and turn to apologise. He's pouring himself a drink and it is clearly not his first. 

"Hey don't worry, all good, would you like to share a drink?" 

I laugh and agree and watch him as he makes me a drink, downing the one I had left. I feel like I've already seen him, or maybe spoken to him, which is impossible  because I maybe spoke to five people since I've moved here.

"Here you go miss" He hands me my drink and looks me up and down, realisation hitting his face. "Holy shit! You're the girl who hid behind the tree and screamed SUCKER" he literally screams. 

I feel my eye twitch at the weirdness of this situation, he was familiar because he is friends with the guy who hates me, that's great! 

I awkwardly laugh and say "That's me!" He laughs, really loud "That's awesome!" 

He then drops his arm on my shoulders and turns me to face the direction where, his friend, my enemy is standing and screams " DESCAMPS LOOK!" while pointing his finger at me. 

I see him look in our direction and I give him a big smile waving at him pointing at his friend the same way he's doing to me. Maybe I made this ten times more weird but I actually find this pretty funny and I laugh as I watch Descamps look at us in disbelief before he quickly ignores us. 

"What is your name pretty lady?" I laugh and blush a little telling him my name and watch in shock as he takes my hand to put a soft kiss on it. "Nice to meet you, Jane" 

I have no words and watch him walk back to his friends, I look at Descamps hoping he had seen it. He did. He was looking straight at me, something in his stare, something deeper than that cold hatred. 

This is going to be so fun.

Hate is a strong feeling - Joseph DescampsWhere stories live. Discover now