(12) Date / confessions

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San started looking for a nice restaurant for them to go to, researching everything properly, wanting them to have a great date. He checked and the was an arcade nearby, he smiled knowing he and Wooyoung are both pretty competitive. 

San decides to go with a nice japanese restaurant and the arcade. He get's ready, doing his hair and putting a tiny bit of makeup on just to cover those few acne scars he got from puberty. He smiled at himself, feeling a confident in his looks and he hears the bathroom door open, greeting Wooyoung. 

San turns around and softly gasps, Wooyoung looked absolutely stunning. he had a little bit of dark eyeshadow around his eyes and- San couldn't even focus well. ''You look good Sanniee!'' ''You- you do too Woo-'' He says, still in shock he has such a beautiful boyfriend. 

They get out of their hotel room and walk into the small town not too far away from the hotel. ''Do you want a snack first?'' San asks Wooyoung, not wanting to go into the arcade on an empty stomach.

''Yes that would be great!'' Wooyoung responds, they go to the market and try alot of delicious stuff, some new sushi they hadn't tried and some Tteokbokki, a very cheesy one and they both loved it so much. They also got some mochi, Wooyoung was in love with the sweet taste and the chewyness of the mochi and was so happy. 

''Let's go Wooooo~ I wanna take you somewhere'' San said, taking Wooyoung's hand once he was done eating. 

They make their way to the arcade, San leading Wooyoung there. ''Tadaaa!!'' San says, showing Wooyoung arcade, nice colorful lights all around it. ''An arcade?? oh my goddd, Sannieee!! I love arcades!'' Wooyoung smiles widely and takes San inside, looking around just admiring the machines and the games they could play.

"Thank you so much Sannie" Wooyoung gives San a tight hug and a small peck on his lips, "let's play!!"

They played dance games and some older games like pac man, San would also play a different game and he scored so many points. Just enough to get the beautiful teddy bear that was on the top shelf.

He decided to suprise Wooyoung with it and walks up behind him, waiting for him to finish his game.

"Sannie- its so cute!! You won this?" San nodded, "It's for you Wooyoung" And San proceeds to give the teddy to Wooyoung.

Wooyoung squeals in excitement and kisses San, right there in public. San kisses bsck and holds Wooyoungs waist. "Thank you Sannie." "I love you" "I love you too."

They stayed at the arcade for another hour or so.

San took Wooyoung to the restraurant, it looked very cute and romantic, candles were lit and there was soft background music. They both could smell the amazing food as they came in.

They both sat down at a cute round table somewhere at the back of the restaurant. They chatted for a while, drinking some red wine and staring in each others' eyes lovingly. They ordered and waited patiently for their food to be brought to their table.

Wooyoung looked into San's eyes and felt butterflies erupt in his stomach and smiled shyly, his eyes turning into cresents and a slight blush on his cheeks. "You give me butterflies all the time Sannie" he bit his lip nervously and looked at San who was smiling widely. "You give me butterflies too, love"

They just held each others hands and talked till their good got here.

They smiled at the waitress who brought their food, "I hope you enjoy your food!" She says, flashing them a warm smile. She walks off and the couple look at their food and gasp, it looks so good!! Both of them wanted to dive right in. They fed each other small bites from each others' plates so they could try both.

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