(16) Forest

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San told Wooyoung he'd go out for a little walk, about an hour ago. He took the bus and got off at the bus stop closest to the forest, he had to talk to the owner of the ''place'' he'll stay at during the full moon.

San sighed, he walked through the forest, it was quite dark outside but he didn't mind much, his eyes had gotten used to the dark by now. His shoes and the pipes of his pants had gotten wet because there wasn't really a great trail throughout the forest, so he just stepped in a soggy part of earth once every 5 minutes. He didn't pay too much attention to that though, he just thought about his plan to make everything work.

He had walked for about one hour before he had reached the cabin he was looking for, he knocked on the door and a sweet old lady opened the door for him. ''Come in, come in!'' She said, she had such a nice face, San smiled and bowed to her, thanking her and stepping inside. The cabin was cute, it had a nice cozy inside and San felt at home, it smelled like old books and autumn, he loved that scent. It reminded him of a memory he has with Wooyoung.

While San was spacing out, the old lady gave him a cup of tea and told him to sit down, he smiled and again thanked her for her kindness. They talked about theirselves for a little, San got to know her name, Kim Woo-ji.

They talked about the place that San wanted to hire and where it was, as it was a little bit further into the forest.

San thanked the lady and took the keys from her, he walked out of the house after thanking the old lady a few more times and started walking towards the place he was told to go.

It was still pretty dark outside, it was chilly. San was shivering slightly, but he continued to walk towards his destination. He had tripped a few times, his pants were a little torn at the knees, a small path of red on them. His hands had become a little bit blue from how cold it was, he should've brought a warmer jacket. He held his flashlight close and scanned his surroundings every minute, he didn't really like the dark, definitely not when he's all alone, he thought about Wooyoung and all of his friends, he smiled, the thought making him feel warm inside.

Not much later San had reached the sort of garage he had seen online. He checked to make sure he was supposed to be here, he didn't want to enter someone else's property. He looked at the small building infront of him and took a deep breath, stepping toward it and taking out the key.

San had easily opened the door and was met with an old smell, it smelled like wet grass and stone. He didn't mind the scent, he kind of liked nature like scents. Just like how the scent of autumn is so nice, and the scent before it starts raining or snowing.

He scanned the room and turned on the lights, thinking to himself, why him? He doesn't know. If that wolf hadn't bitten him that day he would've been happy and carefree right now. He sighed, knowing this was his life now and started to inspect the garage, it had a cement floor, a little of the floor was wood, the walls were made from nice light grey bricks, honestly he did like how it looked, just not why he would use it.

San sat on the cold floor and took in the scent, breathing slowly and warming up for a little before he'd go back to the hotel. It was getting quite late after all.

4 am.

That's the time San had returned from his walk, Wooyoung ofcourse was concerned, he had spent most of the night with Yeosang and Jongho, waiting for his lover to return. Wooyoung knew San didn't take too warm clothes and it was pretty cold outside. He did fall asleep around 3 am but woke up quickly after hearing a door open and close, he got off the bed, being careful not to wake his friends.

Wooyoung walked up to his hotel room, which was next to Yeosangs and Jongho's, he heard someone inside so he also got in, it had to be San right? He opened the door of their shared room and saw San taking off his jacket, shivering. Wooyoung slowly went up to San, hugging him from behind. ''You should take a hot shower Sannie, you're freezing'' San nodded and turned around, hugging his precious boyfriend back, he loved Wooyoungs warmth around his cold body. ''Why don't you shower with me Woo?'' San ruffled Wooyoungs slightly greasy hair and smiled, still shivering.

''Okay.. why not?'' Wooyoung smiled back and took Sans cold hand and led him to the bathroom, where the couple took off their clothes, shared a soft kiss and got under the hot water.

San had to get used to it for a while because of how cold his body was before, the tingling was not that comfortable, but Wooyoung was here. It made him feel so much better, he softly held Wooyoung by his waist and pressed a soft kiss onto his cheek. ''Let me help Sannie'' Wooyoung said as he took a bottle of shampoo and put some on his hands, smiling as he starts to wash his boyfriends' hair. Wooyoung loved moments like this, just the simple showering together and showing affection. He felt small butterflies forming in his stomach as he looked at San while washing his hair. Wooyoung was so happy they both got comfortable enough with each other to shower together. For both it was also very appreciated that showering together didn't mean they had to have sex, they first have to get comfortable with each others' bodies before doing something like that.

San also helped Wooyoung wash his body, especially his back since it's a hard place to reach. He was so thankful for such a beautiful and caring boyfriend. He wouldn't want anything else. The couple stayed under the warm water for a little longer till they got slight wrinkles on their fingertips. They dried each other off and put on their pyjamas, sharing a small kiss. ''Let me get the first aid kit love'' Wooyoung says, looking at San's scatched knee.

San nodded and waited patiently on the bed, Wooyoung soon came back to clean the wound on his lovers' knee. San hissed a little at the alcohol pad but got used to it, Wooyoung was being very gentle. Wooyoung put a bandaid over it and smiled. ''Done!'' ''Thank you Woo'' San said, pulling Wooyoung in for once again, another kiss, they both smiled into it.

Wooyoung had put the kit aside and they both got into the bed.

''Goodnight Sannie''

''Goodnight Woo''

''Goodnight Woo''

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