(18) Gone

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It has been a good few hours now since San had left, the boys did notice this, but they just thought  he went out for a little, it was around 1 am when everyone was going to their rooms. They all said goobye in the hall and went to their shared rooms. It was about 2 am when Wooyoung noticed something was wrong, he had been sitting in his and San's shared room for an hour now but his heart felt like something was wrong, something was missing. He looked around the room and felt alone, not like he usually does when San's out. This was different kind of alone, there was something wrong with San, no doubt. There was a thick tension in the air filled with anxiety, Wooyoung felt like he had to go to Hongjoong- and Seonghwa's room so he did, panic slowly setting in. He felt like his hyungs had the answer. So he practically ran down the hallway, his heart hammering against his chest until he made a harsh stop at their door.

Wooyoung loudly banged on the door of Hongjoong- and Seonghwa's room, the air was stuck in his throat, he didn't feel like he could breath because of how tight his throat felt. There's something wrong. Is all Wooyoung could think about. The door was finally opened and Seonghwa and Hongjoong stood in the hall, their eyes full of worry. Wooyoung looks down at Seonghwa's hand since he seems to be holding something. He sees the piece of paper clutched in Seonghwa's hand. Wooyoung holds his breath for god knows how long, eyeing the folded paper in Seonghwa's hand. Wooyoung's eyes slowly met Seonghwa's and both of their eyes were blown wide. ''I- uh It's from San- I-'' Seonghwa stuttered and struggled to get the sentence out. ''It says to Ateez.'' Hongjoong said, looking at Seonghwa with worried eyes, before his eyes met again with Wooyoung.

''We need to talk- We need everyone here.'' Hongjoong said, trying to keep his voice steady. ''Wooyoung, you go get Jongho and Yeosang. Seonghwa get Mingi and Yunho, I'll accompany Wooyoung.'' ''Can't we just get them all- the three of us..? I don't want anyone to be alone at a time like this..'' Wooyoung suggested and his hyungs both nodded, they hastily made their way to Mingi and Yunho's room, knocking on the door. 

Mingi quickly got out of the bathroom and opened the door, meeting with his friends' worried eyes. ''What-'' Mingi spoke, his voice having a confused undertone. ''There's something with San. Take Yunho.'' Wooyoung spoke, the words leaving his mouth so fast Mingi barely understood the simple sentence. ''San is gone. There is a letter, we need everyone downstairs in 2.'' Hongjoong spoke, his once soft voice filled with seriousness. Mingi nodded, confusion still in his eyes and he went to wake up Yunho, telling him the same that he got told. His voice a bit shaky due to the stress of the situation. The trio then went to Yeosang- and Jongho's apartment, also calling them out, Yeosang immediatly stood by Wooyoung and held his hand, reassuring him it's gonna be okay while he himself was also stressed out. Jongho got out a few seconds later, fresh out of the shower with a little bit of soap  still on his skin. ''What's wrong-?'' Jongho asks, seeing the pain on the faces of his friends. ''San.. a letter'' Wooyoung managed to say. Jongho widened his eyes, fearing for the worst immediatly.

Soon enough the group of 7 was downstairs in the main part of the hotel, taking a seat on the couch in the back of the big room. Seonghwa held on tightly to the letter and he stood in the middle of his friends, they were all sitting close to each other, wanting to stay close, knowing what was about to be said wasn't going to be fun. 

''Uh- so.. as hm- we all know, San left this morning, we thought he'd be back but, uhm.. there's a letter.'' Seonghwa said, he was having a hard time keeping in the tears and Hongjoong stood next to him as Seonghwa opened the letter. Once the letter was opened Hongjoong grabbed Seonghwa's hand. ''I can take over whenever it's needed Seongie..'' Hongjoong said, holding Seonghwa's hand tightly, feeling the others' hand shake he rubbed his thumb over his hand reassuringly. 

Seonghwa took a deep breath and started to read the handwritten letter.

''Hey, It's San,

I'm sorry for leaving, but I had no other choice. It was already hard enough to make this choice, I had to leave due to some personal circumstances and I hope that's an alright explanation, I wish I could stay, but it's too late. I'm sorry guys but I can't hurt you, I can't be the reason you'll get hurt. Please don't try to search for me. I'll be gone. I won't be around no more. I had the greatest time with you guys. You guys were the greatest and brightened up my life, but I can't do this anymore, the guilt is eating me from the inside. Please know I love you all and think of you as my little precious family, please be happy without me.

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