(9) The beach

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Around 11 am almost everyone had woken up, Mingi texted in the groupchat he would like to go swimming, and who would come with him. Everyone wanted to go swimming, Wooyoung answering for San, who was still asleep. 

''Sannn! Wake up, were gonna go swimming!!'' Wooyoung shakes Sans body and after he sees that San woke up he grabs his and Sans swimming trunks. San gets out of the bed and gets ready for the day, grabbing an extra shirt to go with his trunk to hide his scars from those nights he ran around the city, getting heavily wounded. 

''Let's go'' San says and takes Wooyoungs hand, getting out of the hotel room, meeting their friends downstairs who were all looking like a bunch of tourists with their swimming clothes on, Mingi and Seonghwa even took a floatie. Wooyoung smiles and happily starts walking towards the beach, which wasn't crowded at all, actually they were the only ones on the beach for another kilometer. They didn't mind at all though, it just meant they had more privacy, everyone took off their shirts, except San and slowly started getting in the water. 

Yunho slightly blushes watching Mingi from behind, he has such amazing muscles. Yunho thought and got lost in thought. ''Yunho ah do you want to go swimming?'' Mingi looks at Yunho, noticing he was already looking at him and smiles shyly. Yunho takes Mingi's hand and smiles, ''let's goo!!'' Yunho yells and runs into the water with Mingi. Before Hongjoong could warn the two they shouldn't run, Mingi slipped and fell ass first into the water, making everyone laugh. 

Yunho grabbed Mingi and pulled him up, Mingi put his arms infront of him as he just stood there, looking into Yunho's eyes. Yunho was hugging him.. and they were so close.. ''U-uh Yunho-'' ''ssshhh..'' Yunho says and softly leans in, pecking Mingi's lips and smiles, letting him go and going to play in the water with the others. Leaving a startled and embarassed Mingi behind.

''San ah?'' Why aren't you taking off your shirt?'' Wooyoung asks, his voice showing concern. ''I don't look nice under my shirt Woo'' San says, sighing and looking at the others who are playing with the water like little kids. ''It's okay San, you can show me.'' Wooyoung says, gently stepping towards San. San nods, still hesistating as he slowly takes off his shirt, revealing white and pink shiny scars almost everywhere, some bigger than the others. 

''San I-'' Wooyoung looks San into his eyes, clearly upset. ''It's okay Woo.. I didn't do this myself it just all happened, I'm a clumsy person.'' San laughs awkwardly hoping Wooyoung won't ask any more questions and covers his chest with his hands as he walks towards the water, looking at his friends who look at him, concerned. 

He got into the water and splashed Yeosang with the water, laughing. Everyone stopped staring and made it a nicer atmosphere for San, Wooyoung also got into the water once he saw San was feeling alright. Still concerned about where his scars came from, same as all of San's friends. 

''We really need to talk to San, Joongie'' Seonghwa tells Hongjoong, whispering so the others don't hear them. ''Look at his chest Joong..'' Seonghwa looks at San and visibly tears up. ''It's okay Seong, it could just be from the attack.'' Hongjoong thought back of the day they got a call from the hospital that San was severely wounded from an attack and currently in a coma. Hongjoong shivers at the thought and hugs Seonghwa. ''We'll talk to him tonight''.

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