Chapter Nine: Deadly Intuition

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Some things are best kept hidden, for the sake of all those involved and those who aren't supposed to know. You can call it, merciful intervention, a form of conjuring a better world by enduring the sacrifices personally.

-Adrian Cadillan, Some ways along the road.

The present.

Camie was tired by the time the fashion display began. And she was least excited when the world's rich and famous showed off the depths of their bank accounts during the bidding. Either way, she had enough for the day. She decided to call an Uber, not really sure the limo service was still a luxury available to her and she just wanted to leave without peoe noticing.

Without him noticing.

Then again he had mysteriously disappeared moments after their conversation and spent a considerable amount of time unavailable for a party's host. When he did return, he led the proceedings for other Cadillan ventures for the fundraiser and had began with an art exhibition from his family's collection curated for more than a century, the auction had lasted two hours and had vanished again. The food had been served, the elegance of it too much for Camie too bear considering she was in the mood for plain old chicken and fries. And after that, a solo performance from Stefan who'd also seemed to have been gone for a lifetime. And soon after, the fashion display had began with Lara Cadillan finally stepping into the main stage and it had only taken Camie fifteen minutes to realise she'd had enough.

She excused herself from her table, where two new members had joined her earlier, a middle-aged man and his wife. They politely wished her goodnight as she headed for the exit, her only wish being that of a good night sleep.

She walked past the doors enclosing the room, where most of the guests were and was greated by the lobby. A few people were their, most of whom were rather tired themselves, wines and cigarettes in tow, conversations on business proposals or just mere drunk chatter connecting them all. She didn't bother to listen as she headed for the valet who'd received her belongings.

He immediately retrieved her coat for her, extendiing it to her with a farewell and a pre-ordered smile in place. She took the coat and hung it on her body as soon as the doors were opened for her and she had stepped out of the building and into the midnight air of New York City. She took a deep breath, the air outside was different from the air conditioning she'd had to ensure for the past six hours.

She glanced at her phone, her Uber driver had already arrived but he was nowhere in site. She decided maybe he'd gone to a random nearby destination.

Probably one of the buildings nearby. Then again Cadillan Tower wasn't that hard to miss.

She looked around at the empty street and saw no sign of a designated driver waiting. She looked at her watch and the time glared back at her in defiance.

1:09 am.

She ran her fingers through her hair and turned to the security detail at the entrance and asked if there was anywhere else the Uber had parked. He told her there was the underground parking lot, the company had designated a specific underground parking lot for its employees and most Uber drivers were called upon there. After being given the directions to it she headed for the underground parking around the building's entrance.

What kind of an Uber parks in an underground parking lot when the entrance is right outside.

She decided to save her curses for the man in question.

Endings: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now