Chapter Five: Reality

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Sunday evening, winter morning, November dusk. We belong where love finds us.

-Anne Michaels, "Infinite Gradation"

The annual Cadillan gala had been one of the greatest social events in New York for as long as anyone could remember. Hosted by the prestigious Cadillan billionaire family, it was deemed as the most extravagant event in the city. From the biggest celebrity and influencial names on the planet to lavish venues and elaborate designs from a fashion exhibition on the basis of a fundraiser it was concluded to be at a mere expense of millions of dollars. Forbes previously described it as "The most anticipated event of the year", "Simply elaborate and exquisite" and the most recent one "Nothing compares to it"

Considering the guest list and expenses, the praises were well deserved. Even the labor was on point, the best of the best, handpicked from the best restaurants and hotels that Cadillan had to offer. On a further note, it was not to be forgotten how well-reserved the whole affair was. To get an invite was a dream come true for even the most prestigious of the New York circle let alone the world.

Camilla wasn't part of any distinguished circle anymore nor was she as important as she used to be. But that only fuelled her more, turning losses to victories had always been like her very own superpower. The moment her cab pulled through at the entrance she took her time, checking inside her purse to see if the invitation card was still there and sighed.

It had been so long since she'd been to something similar.

No turning back now...

She was simply going to a party, nothing else. She had come to observe and document the social life proceedings of Adrian Cadillan, with his consent of course. But did she have to wear the dark red velvet dress with a bare back and low neckline. She still did not like wearing it as much as she'd thought she would. And it was all Sarah's fault. Having called her moments ago with a "fashion emergency" her best friend had materialized minutes later with a an entire wardrobe at her disposal, including the dress and heels she now wore. If it hadn't been for the time, Camila would have protested against everything from the makeup to the jewels but Sarah had somehow convinced her she needed to make an impression.

"It's not an interview Camie, it's the annual Cadillan gala! You have to look absolutely gorgeous for this-"

"why don't you go... I'm already having second thoughts as it is and you're making me wear something that barely covers me!".

The glares between them didn't last long though, they'd been through stuff like this since they were perky teenagers and puberty had hit them hard.

"Remember when we snuck out to Jake's party back in high school? " Sarah began, blissfully attending to Camila's hair as she spoke. Camilla only watched through the mirror in front of her as her best friend fancied her up like she'd always done all their lives.

"Yes... I remember the slutty dress you wore for Daniel or was it Nick? " Camie replied the look of sheer satisfaction on her face changing rapidly to a scowl as Sarah tugged at her hair.

"I wasn't the only slut that day though, I remember a young Camila in her glory days climbing into the car with Brandon Mclaen half drunk and calling me past midnight to take you home"

"please don't say it" Camila knew exactly where this was going and it was safe to say that she didn't like it.

"you remember what you told me?" Sarah was smirking from ear to ear as Camila turned to look at her. There minds would never forget that day for all the good it did them anyway. So the words came out of their mouths simultaneously, in perfect unison.

Endings: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now