Chapter 12: Collateral Damage

Start from the beginning

"I haven't been hiding," Mo denied. "I've been grieving."

"You better be bringing that car in for service or I'm calling the police. You can't just barge into my place of business and threaten my employees! Only I'm allowed to do that!" Sam shouted, his bony hands fisted at his hips.

"Shut it, old man," Goon Two snarled. "Moises owes us money. We were told to take an organ or two to make up for it."

"Now, guys," Mo pleaded. "You know I had a death in the family. I'm still grieving."

"We should go," Jeremiah said, tugging at Rowena's hand.

"Where do you two think you're going?" Goon Three asked, stepping closer to them.

"We can't let them go or they'll call the cops. Maybe we should teach them a lesson so they'll know to keep their mouths shut," Goon four suggested, advancing forward.

Jeremiah jumped in front of Rowena. "Run, Rowena!"

Good Four lifted a meaty fist and punched Jeremiah, who stumbled to the ground. Rowena caught him and fell to the floor with a thud.

Goon One grabbed Sam into a chokehold until the older man passed out.

Rowena leaned down and helped Jeremiah sit up. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine but why are there two of you?" Jeremiah groaned before his eyes rolled back and he became unconscious.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Goon One asked. "He's pretty weak. You should dump him and date a real man like me."

"Jeremiah? Jeremiah, wake up," Rowena said, lightly patting his cheek. When he stayed unconscious, Rowena looked up to glare at Goons One and Four. Goon Three had Mo cornered against the wall.

"You look kinda beautiful when you're mad," Goon Four said to Rowena.

"You look ugly when you're talking," Rowena snapped. "And when you're not talking."

"Did you just call me ugly?" Goon Four asked, stepping forward with clenched fists.

"Yes, and you're going to regret hurting my friend."

Goon Four smirked. "What's a little thing like you gonna do to me?"

"You hurt my friend," Rowena said calmly. She pointed at an unconscious Sam. "And hurt an old man. They did nothing to you."

Goon four shrugged. "Collateral damage."

Rowena gently placed Jeremiah on the ground and pushed herself up. She removed her tinted glasses, threw them to the ground, and aimed her eyes, which were now a light shade of pink, at the goons.

"What's wrong with your eyes? You got the pink eye?" Goon Four asked. He looked at Goon One. "That's contagious."

Rowena positioned herself into a fighting stance. "You wanted a fight? Bring it on."

Goons One, Two, and Four laughed. Goon Four stepped up, his arms spread out at his sides. "Alright, sweetheart. Take your best shot."

He leaned his face forward with a grin.

Rowena pulled back her first and slammed it forward, sending Goon Four flying through the air.

Goon One and Two's mouths fell open and their eyes widened as they stared at Rowena who came stomping toward them.

"You hurt my friend. Prepare to die!" Rowena screeched, leaping forward. She grabbed the collars of both men's suits and slammed their heads together, knocking them out.

Goon Three held a bawling Moises in front of him. "Don't come closer or I'll snap his neck."

"You threaten people who owe you money after charging them crazy high interest rates," Rowena snarled. "You're a bad man."

"I need a job just like everyone else," Goon Three said.

"I can sense you enjoy it. You like hurting people."

Goon Three stepped to the right. "Your eyes are red. What are you? Some sort of demon? Stay away!"

"Help me, demon lady!" Moises pleaded.

Rowena jumped into the air and landed beside Goon Three.

He shuddered.

She smiled.

Then, she slammed his head into the wall. He made a squeaking sound before sliding to the ground.

Rowena sniffed the air with a disgusted expression. "Did you pee  your pants?"

Moises looked down to his soiled overalls. "Please don't hurt me!"

"I'm not going to hurt you. I just have a few questions."

"Your eyes are red! Are you on drugs? A demon? I swear I didn't do it!" Moises said.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Rowena said. "Your mother, Jasmine, was murdered."

Moises sniffled. "I'm still grieving."

"Did you kill her?"

"What?" Moises asked, taken aback. "I would never--"

"You always went to your mother for money. Probably to pay your gambling debts. Then, you were banned from the nursing home after stealing from the other residents," Rowena reminded him.

"No, that was just a rumor. My lover at the time knew I was in my mom's will. I couldn't kill her for the money. I loved her. She was my mom."

"Your girlfriend wanted you to kill your mother for an inheritance?" Rowena asked.

"I didn't say that," Moises denied.

"I don't believe you. You stole from the residents."

"They're old people! They didn't need their jewelry," Moises cried.

Rowena lifted him by the throat. "I hex you, Moises. You'll always win at gambling but you'll be compelled to donate every penny you win."

A flash of heat spread through Rowena as Moises screamed for help. Rowena punched him in the face as her vision turned red and her fangs split through her gums.

Sirens filled the air. Banks and Poppy stepped out of the garage, rushing towards Rowena.

"We've got to go," Banks ordered. "I could sense your blood thirst."

"I'll take care of her friend," Poppy told Banks. "You take her to Cross."

"Wait!" Rowena screeched as the sirens came closer. She dashed to the black SUV and punched the windows. Her vampire strength allowed her to break the glass. She dug her nails into two of the tires, causing them to flatten.

"What are you doing? We don't have time for this," Banks hissed. "You're about to go blood crazy! That's how vampires lose their minds."

"You can't hex anyone or your need for blood increases," Poppy explained.

Banks pulled Rowena toward him, muttering how a mutt owed him big, as Rowena felt herself drift into a red haze of oblivion.

Banks pulled Rowena toward him, muttering how a mutt owed him big, as Rowena felt herself drift into a red haze of oblivion

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